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Everything posted by Thefriend92

  1. Thanks @Shiningshade for being my very first customer
  2. cool bro im online right now in game, or you already have my discord, lemme know when we can trade
  3. Hello and welcome to my shop. Enjoy! RULES No fake offers. Prices are not negotiable. Do not comment on my prices. I accept Pokedollars, Coin Capsules and Reroll Tickets, and Rare Candy. Coin Capsule = 400k - Reroll Nature = 350K - Reroll Ticket = 700K Rare Candy = 7k Some pokes will have their prices posted already. Some will be put in auction and will last for 2 days after the first bid is made. Be advised that once you start the auction, you can't cancel it. if your purchase is more than 500k, there will be 50k discount guaranteed if your purchase is more than 1m, there will be 100k discount guaranteed The more in value in your purchase, The more discount I will provide YOU WANT TO BUY? Post here or PM me on Discord. My Discord Tag is Quanle92#4389. FULL TRAINED POKES PRICE: 750K PRICE: 600K PRICE: 550K PRICE:300K PRICE: 350K UNTRAINED POKES PRICE: 75K PRICE:75K PRICE: 75K PRICE: 50K PRICE: 50K PRICE: 75K PRICE: 100K PRICE: 150K PRICE: 50K PRICE: 125K PRICE: 125K PRICE: 75K PRICE: 50K PRICE: 175K PRICE: 50K PRICE: 100K PRICE: 100K PRICE:75K price: 150k
  4. Time is up, I believe I won the garchomp
  5. 2m4
  6. 5m pinsir
  7. 3.5 on the pinsir
  8. Ok I’m online right now, I’m in gold and at Jubilife sinnoh atm
  9. actually , I'll insta it if that insta price still applied in this case
  10. Start breloom
  11. yes. in game name is thefriend92
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