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Everything posted by Thefriend92

  1. Nor just walked out of my life but he’ll be back.
  2. Hi staff team, So today I was farming event form pokemon and I happen to encounter an event form weezing but as soon as I switch to false swipe pokemon, it used explosion. I wonder if you can remove that move, please and thank you.
  3. accidently released my false swipe pokemon. account: Thefriend92 in silver server
  4. good luck Suz !!
  5. This guild consists of 99.9% PRO population
  6. Can I offer 600k for the ada toxicroak 27 speeed and atk, 23 all?
  7. I’ll take gliscor
  8. Offer 400k for shiny zangoose and 200k for naughty mimikyou
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