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Everything posted by Alexitof

  1. Noted. Auction started. Ends Saturday 22:42 gmt+2.
  2. Noted. Scizor and Lopunny started. Auction ends Saturday 2:58pm gmt+2
  3. Starting offer : 200k Minimum bid : 10k No insta Cash only Auction ends 48h after first bid Sold to Soobin0507
  4. For each Pokémon Starting offer : 100k Minimum bid : 10k No insta Cash only Auction ends 48h after first bid sold to Nezna Sold to @Rudedingo22 c.o. 100k by @abhi9797, https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20221218T1150&p0=26&font=cursive
  5. Auction ended. @Ricky568 has won. Please contact me in game to complete the trade.
  6. Auction started. Ends on Thursday 30 Nov 11pm gmt+2
  7. Starting offer : 100k Minimum bid : 10k No insta Auction ends 48h after first bid sold to@Ricky568 https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20221130T21&p0=%3A&font=cursive
  8. 200k
  9. 5.4m
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