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Everything posted by Alexitof

  1. For each poke Starting offer : 200k Minimum bid : 10k no insta Accepted payment Pokedollars Small MS = 180k CC = 350k Reroll ticket = 650k Auction ends 48h after first bid Pawniard SOLD Charmander SOLD
  2. Auction ended. @Lordleo100 has won. Please contact me to complete the trade.
  3. It's a 48h auction, so about 11h left.
  4. Auction started. Ends 28/5/23 08:31 pm gmt+3
  5. Starting offer : 100k Minimum bid : 10k no insta Accepted payment Pokedollars Small MS = 180k CC = 350k Reroll ticket = 650k Auction ends 48h after first bid https://countingdownto.com/?c=4782569
  6. Yes I'll report the post so a trade mod can clarify the situation.
  7. Your offer was at 24/5/23 02:55am gmt+3. The auction was for 48h and so the scyther auction ended at 24/5/23 12:20am gmt+3 while the rest poke auction ended at 24/5/23 12:24am gmt+3.
  8. Auction has ended. The winners are: Duyanh097 - Larvesta and nidoran for 200k Medu5a - Darumaka and scyther for 200k Isildurr2x - Hawlucha for 50k All other offers are invalid as the time was over. The winnners please contact me to complete the trade.
  9. For each pokemon Starting offer : 50k Minimum bid : 5k no insta Accepted payment Pokedollars Small MS = 180k CC = 350k Reroll ticket = 650k Auction ends 48h after first bid Scyther SOLD Larv, Daru, Haw, Nido SOLD
  10. -1 I like the idea of the contests taking place the opposite time of each other. This makes it fair for everyone to participate at least in one.
  11. +1 make the the cooldown global, so people can do it once a day whenever they have time
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