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Everything posted by Q25

  1. s.o. 5m min bid 500k insta 50m accepted payments cc = 400k iv rr = 500k 96hours after first bid (4days) Note for new players : for maximum "Poison Heal" efficiency you want your Gliscor to have minimum 352 HP in Total, this means you need at least 29 IV on HP. Since "Poison Heal" heals you for 1/8 of your Maximum HP it will Heal +1HP more each turn once you have Total of 352 HP. Countdown is 4min behind so after the timer reaches 00:00 there is extra 4 minutes. ENDS at 6th september at 03:09AM CEST
  2. auction should have ended 23:48, the bid is 35seconds late from what i see
  3. im at vulcanic town
  4. 520k for lvl50 shroom
  5. start ada h.a. lvl50 shroom
  6. any chance hp ground ?
  7. PEACE, the time has come to sell this shiny sweeper. you can contact me to make an offer or discuss about it. PM in forum or contact on discord (q25.)
  8. s.o. 1m min bid 50k insta 6m cc = 400k rr = 500k 48hours after first bid
  9. you won mate gz, pm me when ur ready to trade
  10. min bid is 50k so your 1k behind
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