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Everything posted by Q25

  1. ok noted lowerd s.o. and the auction started with you
  2. somehow i missed your message, hope u have a good day too You can start at 16m if you want otherwise i have to cancle this to open another poke auction. trash shiny treeckos are sold for 13m-15m so i dont think i wanna go for 14m
  3. c.o. 16m @Pve min bid 100k insta 27m accepted payment cc = 400k rr = 500k 48hours after first bid
  4. cool its intimidation, i was wrong i could start at 15m if you would consider. nice mon
  5. you should post the picture without mega form. i highly assume its not intimidation right ?
  6. wtb scizor mask 5m
  7. @Zio0the8keeper ill send my other account to gold actually, because i have lended poke and i cant swap server while having lend pokes. pm me when your online pls
  8. can be closed, my bad for not checking the DEV to-do list. best of success to the devs !!
  9. thanks, ill transfer tonight most likely if nothing goes wrong, in worse circumstances tomorrow if thats ok.
  10. im online if you can now
  11. Q25

    IV-Swap Ticket

    that usually happens after changes, its not always fair for the past occasions. and i used many many many rerolls and stopped using them now. changes are there for making things better for the future. past occasions may suffer but is more beneficial for the long run.
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