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Everything posted by Q25

  1. ralts sold before auction started
  2. s.o. 100k min bid 50k no insta cc = 400k rr = 500k 24hours after first bid
  3. oh what medalions skyrocketed aswell ? stonks. this price change is way too drastic. specially you cant even buy 2x bms now with a single coin capsule. for me it doesn't make a big change to be honest, thanks GOD im one of the more fortunate players, but thinking of the less unfortunate players.... kinda sad for them +1
  4. buying the cc now will be there in approx 5min i guess
  5. yep you did, gz. which server are you ?
  6. i think you already feeded the servers with enough bb ninjas i wouldnt be surprised if you post some good ones after this too haha
  7. you have to reply for each offer instead of reacting since its not an auction
  8. 500k tenta
  9. s.o. 12m min bid 250k insta 22m accepted payments cc = 400k rr = 500k 48hours after first bid
  10. @Pve you won, im coming to pikachu server
  11. think theres 12min left since you started at 12:50AM and now is around 12:38AM
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