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Everything posted by Primeninja223

  1. started by Stupidtrainer13 at 400k. Auction ends in 36 hours.
  2. Starting offer: 400k Min bid : 100k Insta : 1.2m Auction ends 36hrs after first bid Accepted payments: -pokedollars -cc = 400k -iv reroll = 700k
  3. 850k
  4. 1.2m
  5. I'm sry mate u were 10mins late. Auction won by Theballer at 1.6m @TheBaller
  6. 1.6m bid by theballer auction ends in 1hr 10min . please follow the 15min rule if someone bids last mins. cuz i wont be online.
  7. start bid by Ahmad1246 Auction ends Friday(17september) 12:55 AM GMT +3
  8. Starting offer: 700k Min bid : 200k No insta Auction 2 days after first bid Accepted payments: -pokedollars -cc = 350k -iv reroll = 700k
  9. unexpected error in exca sites/ safari / bosses and caught date checker
  10. auction ended. @ThuyTruGiyuis the winner. pls dm me here or ingame
  11. start bid by Duc2382000. auction ends at 16/07 10:20 AM GMT +3
  12. Starting offer = 550k min raise = 100k no insta Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid Accepted payments: -Pokedollars -cc = 370k
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