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Everything posted by Zerriath

  1. 1x Reroll Nature Sold to Stargui
  2. I'm here online, can you meet me in Sinooh Hearthome Pokecenter? Sorry for being late, I've problems with my connection
  3. WTB this Volcarona below, contact me here or in game my nickname is "Zerriath.
  4. WTB this Bulbasaur below, contact me here or in game my nickname is "Zerriath.
  5. Latias Mount sold to Lalo1711
  6. WTB this Clefairy below My IGN: Zerriath or Discord: Beto#3119
  7. Blue Kimono Sold to Gfazbear123
  8. Nature Reroll Sold to Luffy96
  9. Hi! Pancham has the "main Ivs ok", besides being a great sweeper but his other Ivs are low, because of this I would say that his value after evolved and trained would reach 800k-2m. If you auction it off, you might get better values.
  10. Hello! Your Gardevoir has low Ivs and the wrong ability. Despite this, she is trained, lvl 100 and has the correct nature. So I'd say her value is between 300k-600k, If you auction it off, maybe you can earn more.
  11. Hello! Your Ralts have the correct nature and ability to evolve to Gallade but your main "Ivs" are not at maximum. So, its value should be between 100k-300k but if you train it and level it up to lvl 100, you might get more at auction.
  12. Hello! Your Porygon, has great Ivs and nature. As it is a rare pokemon, its value must be between 1m-4m. I recommend auctioning it, it may reach higher values.
  13. Hello! This Torkoal, has great "IVS and the ability is correct" but the preferred nature is "Bold". So, its value must be between 400k-1.5m but you might get higher values if you auction it off.
  14. Hello! This Charmander, has good "IVS and the right nature". Its value should be between 1-4m, if you level it up to lvl 100 and train it, it may reach higher values if you auction it.
  15. Hello! The Garchomp is a very popular pokemon in PVP, plus it's an event pokemon, but he has a "neutral nature" and no hidden ability, so his value should be between 700k-2m. Maybe if you auction it off, you can earn more.
  16. Hello! Darumaka's "IVs" are excellent, although the preferred ability is the hidden one but since we don't have "Zen Mode" enabled in the game, then it'll do. His price should be between 1-3m, if auctioned it should easily reach higher values.
  17. Hello! As it is an event pokemon, it already has the value above it. "Haunter's" nature is correct but his "Ivs" are low on his main attributes which in this case are "SPEED and SPATK". So, its price should be between "100-400k"
  18. Hello! Charizard has great Ivs, as well as correct nature but his preferred ability is the hidden one. Despite this, its price should be between 1m-3m, if it goes to auction it may reach higher values.
  19. Hello! That Scizor looks really good, his defences and life are great, as well as your main "Ivs", nature and ability. His price should be between 2m-5m, I recommend auctioning it off as you may be able to earn more.
  20. Greninja sold to Trinity00
  21. 1x Lapras Mount sold to Barnabasebese
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