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Everything posted by Zerriath

  1. -1 I disagree with your point about "making bosses" easier. As many have mentioned above, PVE content has to be challenging, otherwise it's no fun. I recommend you review your strategies if you are failing to make progress on this type of content, because that's the fun of PVE, creating new strategies and having fun with new challenges. P.S.: There's an event going on, take advantage of the Christmas event to have some fun!
  2. Xmas Lillipup sold to @messijohn
  3. Hello @messijohn! I'll be online in the next few hours, contact me by here via "pm" or by discord "Beto#3119", my timezone is GMT -3.
  4. I want to bid Mimkyu! @JadeAsh
  5. Start Altaria!
  6. Hello @eliseo09! WTB your Smeargle poke "number 225". You can contact me here or via discord "Beto#3119", my timezone is GMT -3. Message me here or on discord as soon as you are online to make the exchange.
  7. Hello @Margar3tt3 ! WTB your Squirtle which is for "50k" in the "careful natures section". You can contact me here or via discord "Beto#3119", my timezone is GMT -3. Message me here or on discord as soon as you are online to make the exchange.
  8. I bid 100k more than this offer, for 1.2M c.o @Lyn1311. Wasn't it only 3 hours away? the supposed "auction" should have finished by now.
  9. I bid 100k more than this offer, for 1M c.o @Lyn1311
  10. Hello! I want to bid the "Altaria" @Lyn1311
  11. Blue Clothes sold to Heroofthestreet
  12. Want bid 1.5M
  13. Hello! WTB your Lopunny. You can contact me by PM or in game, my nickname is "Zerriath". By the way I'm Online right now.
  14. OK, I'm online right now you can text me here "pm" or in game.
  15. How much for your Gardevoir? I want know because you don't set a price for her, so could be anyprice like "400k" for example.
  16. Heracross Sold to Warman
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