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Siidon last won the day on June 15 2024

Siidon had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Siidon

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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. S.O. 10m min bid 200k insta: 35m Auction ends 72h after first bid Payments: Pokedollar only
  2. are you online right now? @Juliebee you won
  3. WTS ACAICA BOAT (new PvP Chest S-U-R-F Mount) Starting bid: 1m Min bid: 200k Insta: 5m Accepted Payment method: Pokedollar only! ENDS 24h after first bid!
  4. hey @Noirss i‘m online in 10 mins
  5. i take it, i‘ll be online in around 8h
  6. Hey guys, currently I'm looking for a new false swiper! My shiny Parasect served me pretty well through the past years and I think he deserves some rest. I'm looking for the following EVENT FORMS/Shiny: Breloom (Any): Poison Heal with any spd + nature Smergle (Shiny, HW Painter, Vday, Pink, Xmas) Technician with any spd + nature Please leave a message including a screenshot here or on discord: not_siidon Thanks a lot! May your False Swiper bring me insanely godly pokes and a lot of joy in this amazing game!
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