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About Rah

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Defaint 23+ atk 20+ spd nature ada/jolly defaint nature only budget 600-900k
  2. c.o 300k min bid 100k no insta pm me: Duckdayyyy#4143 48 hrs after first bid
  3. Start jolly Char 100k - Lequangminh2212
  4. wtb sap sipper goomy epic 20+ IVs total modest with 300k+ budget -Gust larvitar sassy 20+ def,sp.def,hp,atk with 300k+ budget tho *18,19 hp larvitar acceptable(edited) sssssssssss
  5. Another costumer-(Proof is a legal bump)
  6. SOLD!
  7. -Flame Orb
  8. Done for a costumer -Hoenn teleporter for 150k but I just do 95k only
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