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Everything posted by Zent168

  1. wtb untrained 200k alolan vulpix
  2. Hey u won time's up lemme know when u get on the game DC hikerx#4620
  3. Reminder: 11 Hours left before the bidding end
  4. Auctioning 31/31 ada Ralts Accepted payments: CC=400K and Pokedollars Start: 300K Min bid: 100K No Insta. 24hrs after first bid. WON BY HUNDJAGER 800K
  5. has been 24+ hrs since i dm'ed u on disc
  6. My name is Zent168 in game Thea irl My favorite pokemon: Charizard has always been my favorite My final objective: collecting pokemons, enjoying the fun of the games, good at pvp i didnt get this question but im currently on 390 hours playtime on silver Age: 19 PVP is 80% complete just need to catch some legendaries.
  7. My name is Zent168 in game Thea irl My favorite pokemon: Charizard has always been my favorite My final objective: collecting pokemons, enjoying the fun of the games, good at pvp i didnt get this question but im currently on 390 hours playtime on silver Age: 19 PVP is 80% complete just need to catch some legendaries.
  8. Hi im looking for a guild. Friendly and humble Hours playtime: 390 hours PVP team: 90% ready (just need lvling up) PVE team:100% ready will donate and help newbies!
  9. wtb drilbur#1
  10. start banette
  11. 240k for Drilbur#1?
  12. bisharp 400k
  13. sorry didnt see the closed
  14. 330k negotiable
  15. I will take both tangela hp ice 150k and tangela hp fire 175k hikerx#4620
  16. Discord: Thea#2299 all negotiable 210K SOLD 120k SOLD
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