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Lasss last won the day on July 29 2022

Lasss had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Lasss

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  1. noted Auction will end Aug 4 10:58 AM GMT+8
  2. 1.2M ADA TECH
  3. 11.5
  4. 10.5
  5. Starting bid 15m | Min bid 500k | Insta Buy 30m Current offer 15m by @Patino [ Auction will end Aug 4 10:58 AM GMT+8 ] Currencies Accepted: Coin Capsule = 400k | IV RR = 700k | NAT RR = 350k | Rare Candy = 8k Contact me: Ingame: Lasss | Discord: Lass#4101
  6. 9.5m
  7. 8.5m
  8. -1 as Pokémon prices varies on the buyer & seller stand point here are also some factors that can affect the pricing of the poke :time & date that has been sold :supply & demand esp. when its kept out of the market :how the buyer & seller badly need to buy/sell pokes this can cause confusions and can be use as a potential modus for value boosting & devaluing the poke prices for certain amount of time pc can be done in all chat and in discord
  9. bump + added some new pvp pokes and event form pokes!
  10. SOLD 23M TO @AndreaBocelli CAN NOW CLOSE TY
  11. 11 mins left!
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