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Everything posted by Kvothe1

  1. Hello! i would like to buy a shiny scizor or scyther! i can pay a lot + your pick of pink scizors and sw medi! Please pm me, reply or message me on discord -- sim#0669
  2. Hello! i would like to buy a shiny scizor or scyther! i can pay a lot + your pick of pink scizors and sw medi! Please pm me, reply or message me on discord -- sim#0669
  3. Hello players! Im looking for a shiney scizor! Im willing to pay a lot, or if interested trade my pink scizor and sw medi + millions for a shiney scizor! (Photos below) Pm me or reply here, or pm me on discord sim#0669
  4. Hello! I would like to buy a shiney scizor! I would offer in exchange a pink scizor or medicham + millions for a decent shiney scizor. Pm me please and feel free to contact me on discord -- sim#0669 Thank you!
  5. Hello Players and Staff! Pro has a good base of pvp players, but oftentimes que times can be long and a lot of players just play 5 games weekly to get their pvp coin reward. To encourage more players to pvp more often and diversify opponents and the meta, i would like to suggest the following idea and change to pvp coin quest (safferon psychic) *** Change the quest to a DAILY quest - 5 pvp wins, and the reward also changed from 10 extra pvp coins, down to 3 or 5 pvp coins (at 5 wins) I believe this will encourage a large base of players to join in on the pvp fun more often. Thank you for considering this change! Best, Simbasaur
  6. Hi! Im looking for a modest sniper Summer form kingdra or evo. Thank you! Pm photo and lets discuss!
  7. Are manectrics still available
  8. Hello Midsommar, Is there any qord on the mega sceptile quest, i talked to a few others, they have encountered same problem and dont know how to get by. Best wishes, Simbasaur
  9. Hello Staff! I am confused about the mega sceptile quest! The 4 moves I am given to use in the fight are 1. screech 2. endeavor 3. quick guard 4. energy ball this does not match the quest guides that i have looked up at all. I am confused how to get through the trubbish at the beginning. I don't have any settup moves or giga drain to regen health, and the trubbish just spamms toxic at me. I do not live long enough after the toxic to kill 6 mons with energy ball. I hav included a photo below. I asked on discord, and this may be a bug. It would be great to get it resolved, or If you can point me in the right direction to get help on this quest that would be great best, Simbasaur
  10. Pm or post a photo and lets make a deal
  11. Still looking for 28 or 29+ thanks you tho
  12. Quiet reuni with h.p fire
  13. Wtb 28/29+ gyaradose or magikarp pm or post a photo! Thanks!
  14. That karp has the best OT in the game
  15. I would prefer jolly or adament // oblivious or thick fat Pm or reply a photo and lets make a deal
  16. I would like to buy the 50k corphish (30 atk)
  17. Sold
  18. Its a physical mon lmao, 113 sp.atk, but if you must know, its h.p ghost
  19. Sold
  20. sold
  21. 600k Lordcj
  22. 5ook newey
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