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Everything posted by Henrypart2

  1. s.o 400k min bid 100k insta 4m payment methods (Cash) Auction ends 48h after start
  2. Brother I’ll be available to trade in about 20 mins . Hope it’s fun
  3. 18m2 winning bid + 1cc for transfer expences
  4. that doesnt really work for me because i am leaving for army today . in like 6hours what if i moved mine to gold and you pay the cc to come back ?
  5. you won the auction mate let me know when you can move to silver so we can trade
  6. bump 11h 30 min left
  7. S.o 200k /min bid 200k / insta price 40m /auction ends 36h after start. Accepted payment methods :cash ,cc (380k each )
  8. hi . start this auction (money on shinyalex)
  9. willing to give you my hlw pinsir for free mate
  10. s.o 100k /min raise 100k/no insta price auction ends 36h after first bid accepted payment methods : cash , cc(370k each)
  11. not only its not optimal to farm 3 at the same time . but running bcc multi with more than 1 account is bannable anyway but Thodo insists and doesnt wanna understand for some reason . also naming players in a post is not the way to share your opinion . i ve done nothing against him yet somehow i am his problem or smtihng
  12. -1
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