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Everything posted by Henrypart2

  1. Hi i just finished my dex and i would like to sell some difficult pokemons to get for 5k each contact me in game :Henrypart hippodown delcatty diggersby blaziken dragalge Croconaw rampardos Florges cradily abomasnow seismitoad scrafty flygon golurk tyrantrum emboar empoleon mandibuzz sawsbuck aegislash aurorus drapion wailord jumpluff trevenant rhydon garbodor zebstrika tortera talonflame simisear simisage simipour slurpuff gigalith vanilux vivilion leavany braviary gogoat crustle mienshao carracosta archeops samurott eelectross liligant delphox krookodile reuniclus swoobath hitomontop hitmochan hitmonlee
  2. Looking to sell my shiny helioptile . PM me your offers on Discord : Henrypart#2866 or In game name : Henrypart
  3. You won gligar 2 mate . Ty you all for participating. You can pm me in game name :Henrypart
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