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About Blbobby777

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  1. Arunt is in gold server. As far. As I know
  2. Buy Charizard 350k , 180k gardevoir , 50k lopunny , 85k mamoswine , 150k infernape , 250k gengar. , Breeloom 100k Wanna do some negotiations. When will you be on in game?
  3. U should not write noted it count as a bump just react their posts . You can bump in every 24hr
  4. How much vulpix... Tell price
  5. Hey when you on ..?
  6. Buy both 180k e.a after somedays
  7. Can you reserve that 180k noivern?
  8. Hello , bank I need kanto and jhoto service full for 600k
  9. Hello you by services or should I take other?
  10. What's the co for 2nd axew
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