In my honest opinion, at first i loved the xmas map. Everything up until the lucarionite quest was perfectly assembled; Then, it might just be me and i don't want to be a party crasher but that side of the event i did not enjoy at all; What i did not enjoy first and foremost was the fact that we needed teams of players that may or may not play; As time difference is an issue, i could not play with my guild mates, so i was left with randoms that always left; Every single run ended up in me and 1 or 2 other people at most; Could not complete the reshiram / zekrom quest up until the end; Furthermore, besides the fact that this was team-based, you guys decided to make it harder and limit the amount of items allowed in the cave + the nullification of checkpoints which was hell to play in without teammates; Hopefully we won't have a do-over of this event in terms of teamplay based, but the organization of the quests was on point and i applaud you and thank you for the effort.