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About Poroqueen

  • Birthday April 30

Personal Information

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  • Career
    Future Historian
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Poroqueen's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. +1
  2. rly cool flex, congrats on the unowns and ur deino!
  3. Exactly, should be turned off as default to avoid sharks abusing new players imo
  4. Poroqueen

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Noahbiii I sent you link in message, welcome to New Leaf!
  5. Poroqueen

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Hippobear @Hustlin247 @Crowleaspot Yall have recieved a message with an invite link to the discord, welcome to New Leaf! @Denny123 You are already in another guild but if you want to join New Leaf you are free to reapply at a later time.
  6. Poroqueen

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Lararkana @Scyatho @Tanton @Xelsian @Voncedespons @Djskeledactyl @Tmoura @Classicneon @Paperclip477 @Silver1007 @Kumbkaran@Wackiez @Tochemen @Acronynm Everyone above have recieved a message with an invite link to our discord, welcome to New Leaf! @Bazinga755 @Osean02 @Sephikun @Misakii01 @Abottleofcoke @Denzel @Ruinasaito You have joined another guild so I unfortunately cannot invite you at this time. Feel free to apply again if you leave your current guild though!
  7. I am not home until tomorrow unfortunately, so either wait or if tmod can do the trade
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