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Everything posted by Immortalx

  1. I am online and dont use discord sorry
  2. @Bhimosotake it for 600k cause ur 1st customer i am online now vermi
  3. @Bhimosotake it for 600k cause ur 1st customer i am online now vermi
  4. Welcome to my shop! Acceptable payment in addition to cash: IV reroll - 520k Coin capsule - 360k Rare candy - 7k Untrained Trained Shiny/event Build forum shop service done by Dynamica.
  5. @Mbktransfer will be very helpful thanks
  6. @Mbkcan u transfer this post in special or shiny section please
  7. So. 1m /min bid 150k/accept cc 350k/accept iv rr 500k /rc 7k/ insta 6m end 4 may 12:50 am indian time enjoy
  8. I am on now vermillion my account name momster1
  9. U wanna accept my offer?
  10. Ok thanks but togakiss dont need
  11. Alr ty I will use money then
  12. Sence ur inactive it means no
  13. 1m and 150k i will buy it
  14. Shelder 90k
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