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About Mateuscr041

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

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    Swampert Mateus
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Mateuscr041's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. ISSUE SOLVED! i downloaded again the client and when i started the game, it dont even needed to patch. I guess it was Out of date
  2. link for the post i made but no answers https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/236708-something-went-very-wrong/
  3. patcherError.txt
  4. Hello, i am interested, But I don't know if he would be available to make a profile picture for me. More information at the link. I'm on the gold server but I can do a server transfer to pay. Just inform me about the price https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/235518-art-request-profile-picture/
  5. I want to find an artist to make a profile picture for me. I would like it to be done this way, However, with some corrections: addition of the correct swampert color, character "looking at whoever is viewing the image" Add a smile. And draw according to the pokemon's anatomy
  6. Closed indefinitely
  7. Hello! how much you charge to make my wynaut go to level 90? My discord is MateusCR #7070
  8. Hello, can you make my wynaut go to level 90? my discord is Right below Please reply to let me know you read my order
  9. When I made an evolution trade with a player I put my linoone on so that the trade would be easier, because the pokemon would be on his team and not on the PC But when we went to trade again, my linoone was locked in his pc and doesn't want to leave there. I already did the evolution trade with the player, but I didn't get my linoone back. I would like to know how to bring it back. I have a screenshot that shows the Id number and I remember some characteristics of what moves he knew and the approximate level. It is a Linoone with a level 20-22 and have the moves: cut rock smash surf and dig it is My Original trainer (Mateuscr041) Please bring back my linoone
  10. I have a Light ball and i want to sell. But i dont know how much It worth
  11. captured during a daily quest, i a wonder if it worth anything
  12. Machamp witih Four-arms alien design
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  13. spheal is waving to you
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  14. No more ink to scribble people's face T-T
      • 3
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  15. I honestly think that machop fits better with the street fighter theme than star wars, because machop is a fighting pokemon and the characters in the game I'm referring to are fighters, so it is more than obvious to give this little guy a theme from his pokemon type
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