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Tatakaebaka last won the day on October 2 2022

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  1. got an idea in my mind that there can be some music centers in the game for customising the background music or applying new tones during battles and there should be some type of payment to get them or competition in pvp, so to sum up i am suggesting for making music centers for personalising music in game ...........
  2. then why do u intend to sell such a warrior just a question from a customer.....
  3. Damn it was a good way. Man I will need to just know this and ig I can get the closest number ig
  4. Can anyone tell me the average Pokemon's caught in one day?? In both the servers
  5. can u tell the date and time at which u caught the pokemon maybe that would helpful in getting to the nearest number if possible??
  6. Honestly it's worth more than 7m
  7. i mean why would the devs try to reduce player's playing time, everything is analyzed psychologically and then made into use to catch a person's attraction. so this post should clearly be closed
  8. Request everyone to vote for this, it seems just too reasonable
  9. +1 reasonable + good idea + something useful
  10. keep it normal, don't ban anything if u have problem using any pokemon then use your brain and prepare a team for a total counterattack that is what is pvp, u r just opposing the basic fundamentals of this game's pvp, i mean if u were to ban top used mons people would stop thinking about building a good team and it will eventually degrade everything and hence it will lead to PRO teamn loss so this was a paradox i hope u understand everything through it
  11. don't tell me its gonna reach 100m
  12. sorry i am quiting this game if protean greninja is banned
  13. Is protean greninja banned?? Tf
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