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Everything posted by Yverneas

  1. Hello @Daniel0405, It seems the quest you're undertaking is a part of Slowbronite quest. Now following Sam's suggestion, your next destination for the quest should be Slowbro Well in Azalea Town. There, you'll encounter both Sam and Team Rocket. Ensure you have a strong team before battling the Team Rocket. Additional information about the quest can be found in the Slowbronite wiki page. If you have further questions about this quest, feel free to ask. Good luck!
  2. I'm happy to see that your issue has been resolved. This thread will now be locked and marked as resolved. In the future, if you run across a problem or have any questions, don't be afraid to start a new topic. Take Care.
  3. Hello @Akshat1808, As a clear warning is provided that the player will be unable to use any Pokemon or the items hold by them from the previous region until the acquisition of the 8th badge, so it would be better to remove any held items beforehand, upon entering the new region, we cannot proceed with your request. I understand that this may not be the response you expected but we cannot proceed with your request. I hope you will understand. As there are no further actions to be taken in this case, I will close this thread as resolved. Feel free to create another topic if have any additional questions or encounter any issues in the future. Kind regards, Yverneas
  4. Hello @Mvnschaalke, It seems that the evolution process was conducted during the incorrect time, as Riolu evolves into Lucario when it attains maximum happiness during daytime (10:00 - 20:00 in-game time). As you mentioned, since the procedure took place at night-time, the evolution did not occur. To trigger Riolu's evolution, faint it in a wild battle once again and maximize its happiness during daytime. This should ideally prompt the evolution. There shouldn't be any need of using Mysterious Candy in happiness evolutions. In the event that the evolution still does not occur despite following these steps correctly, we recommend repeating the procedure with the help of Pokemon Groomer or Pokemon Cafe NPCs this time for increasing the Pokemon's happiness. NPC Brad and Chris can be found in the following locations: Kanto - Cerulean City House 5 Johto - Goldenrod Underground Path Hoenn - Slateport City Sinnoh - Hearthome City Please let us know of the outcome after completing these steps. We will be waiting for your response. Kind regards, Yverneas
  5. Hello @Lolligaard, I apologise for the delay in my response. Given that HM01 Cut is in your bag, it is safe to assume that the matter has been resolved. Also, as upon the completion of the SS Anne quest, players are typically restricted from re-entering the ship, there shouldn't be any more problems with it. That being the case, I am closing this thread as resolved. Feel free to create a new topic if you encounter any other issues or have questions in the future. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  6. Hello @Neostategami, I apologise for the delay in my response. Jet Skis are now a PvE Coin Shop items, and as such, they are generally non-tradeable. However, at the beginning of each month, there's an announcement listing a few selected PvE Coin Shop items that will become tradeable during that month. If you haven't already, I would strongly recommend joining our Official PRO Discord Server and keeping an eye on the #announcement channel to stay updated on when these items will be available for trade. I hope this answers your question. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  7. Hello @Nyris, I apologise for my late response. To trade with other players you need to have at least 4 badges and be in the same Pokecenter at the same time. Let me know when you can come online so we can trade.
  8. Hello @Benjiemager, I apologise for the inconvenience caused. The issue you've encountered is a known bug. To join the next Fishing Contest and resolve this bug you will have to speak with the NPC Expert Fisherman in Corsica Island when the Fishing Contest is not ongoing. This will reset your variables, and afterward, you should be able to participate in the upcoming Fishing Contest without any further issues. Let me know if you have any concerns regarding this. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  9. Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future.
  10. Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future.
  11. I'm happy to know that it helped you. As the issue has been resolved this thread will now be locked as resolved. In the future, if you run across a problem or have a query, don't be afraid to start a new topic.
  12. Hello @Lastkeeper0, As you have requested, I have restored your Mandibuzz and now it should be placed on your last PC slot. Please be more careful next time. In the future, you can also use our Restore Pokemon Megathread for your requests about deleted Pokemon. Now as the issue has been solved, I will locked this thread as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another thread if you encounter a problem or want to ask any question in the future. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  13. Hello @Megadialga, Since you have already used your Big MS Medallion, it is now not possible to refund your coins. Given that there are no further actions required on this case, I will proceed to lock this thread. Don't hesitate to create another thread if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  14. Hello @Mrwalee, I apologise for my late response. All of the items that you had mailed incorrectly to someone else have been restored and they should now be placed in your inventory. Can you please take a minute and check if everything is fine for you now?
  15. Hello @Kryptonger, I apologise for the inconvenience caused. You had indeed lost the mount after the server crash but rest assured our Developers had already fixed the issue and your mount has also been restored back. You should be able to find it in your Inventory. Can you please take a minute to check if everything is perfect for you now? Kind regards, Yverneas.
  16. I can see the the last badge you had on your Red Server was Hive Badge and that is same as now. So you haven't lost any progress on your account as far as I can see. Let me know if there is something different for you regarding this. As for the Pokémon you've caught, they are either still in your account or have been traded to Pinosimicev's account. There do not appear to be any Pokémon losses either. It's possible that the Pokémon now in Pinosimicev's account are the one your are looking for? Don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions.
  17. Hello @Fighter999, Can you try again to go inside the top leftmost room of the Bug Catching Contest Hall and send the screenshot of the error or anything it tells you? Looking forward to your reply.
  18. I am really sorry for my late reply. There will be results for the Contest, of course, but it is difficult to give any dates for now. As long as it is a drawing and made entirely by yourself, you are allowed to do either of what you have asked. Let me know if you have any more questions.
  19. Hello @Magotelma I sincerely apologise for the delay in the response. Your Gardevoir has been restored and should now be placed in your last PC slot. Five PvE Coins were also removed from your account. Please be more careful next time. Can you please take a minute to check if everything is perfect now?
  20. There is an account named Pinosimicev that seems to be associated with you. Maybe this is your main account you are looking for instead? If it is, it was played at the times of Red and Blue servers so you will have to merge your account server progress before you can play in it. You can merge your account through Dashboard. You might also want to read and go through the Merge FAQ thread before merging your account. Let me know if it fixes your problem.
  21. After some investigation I can confirm that you did, in fact, use two rerolls for the double reroll service. I am really sorry for your loss but it is also important to note that there was a clear warning along with instructions on how the double reroll service functions. In light of this, regrettably, we are unable to provide a refund for the rerolls. Though this response is not what you might have expected, I still hope you will understand. As there is nothing to be done further in this case, I am going to lock it. If in future you encounter an issue or want to ask any question, then don't hesitate to create another thread. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  22. Hello @Marcosdm1771996, It is not possible to evolve Growlithe into any special Ghost form. What you might have come across is a Halloween-themed variant of Growlithe or Arcanine. To help you confirm this, I have attached images displaying their forms within the spoilers. These special event-themed Pokemon, such as Halloween Growlithe and Arcanine, can typically be encountered during specific events. Currently, we have Halloween event ongoing, and you can find these special forms in various locations where they typically spawn, with the exception of Pinkan Island. It's important to keep in mind that not every encounter with these Pokémon during the event will yield the special event-themed forms. There is a chance associated with encountering them, though these specific odds or rates are not disclosed. I hope this helps you. If you have any more questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to ask. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  23. Hello @Marcosdm1771996, At the moment, the Sinnoh region is the last main region available in the game. Our staff team is currently working on Astrella which is a custom-made region by our staffs. However, this doesn't signify the end of what we offer, there's an abundance of content to explore. In addition to the main regions, you can do boss battles and complete legendary, mega-stone, and many other side quests. Throughout the year we have various events where you can participate for more exciting quests and rewards and have a chance to get your own special event-themed Pokemon form. All of the available forms according to the events can be found on this Pokemon Counterparts wiki page. Furthermore, there are tons of repeatable tasks like dungeons and more to keep you engaged along with weekly multiplayer events like Bug Catching Contest and Fishing Contest. If you are rather interested in PvP we also have Normal Ranked and Random Ranked PvP format with monthly Ladder Tournament where you can show your skills and have a great time competing with fellow players. It would be very difficult to list all the available content we have in one reply. I would recommend and encourage you to explore the game at your own pace and discover all the exciting activities it has to offer. Let me know if you have any concerns regarding this. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  24. As the issue has already been solved, I am going to lock this thread as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future.
  25. Locked as resolved.
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