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Everything posted by Yverneas

  1. ❖ Acrobatics ➣ Fortree City - $15,000 ❖ Brutal Swing ➣ Old Chateau Dining Room - $12,000 ❖ Bullet Seed ➣ Sinnoh Safari Area Zone 2 - $15,000 ❖ Dazzling Gleam ➣ Sendoff Spring - $15,000 ❖ Defog ➣ Violet School - $15,000 | Tutor Heaven - $8,000 ❖ Dragon Tail ➣ Dragons Den - $15,000 ❖ Energy Ball ➣ Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Flame Charge ➣ Cinnabar Mansion 2 - $15,000 ❖ Flash Cannon ➣ Tutor Heaven - $12,000 ❖ Focus Blast ➣ Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Frustration ➣ Sunyshore City - $15,000 ❖ Gyro Ball ➣Cinnabar Lab Room 3 - $15,000 ❖ Heat Wave ➣ Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Hone Claws ➣ Pastoria City - $7,000 ❖ Rock Climb ➣ Fuchsia House 1 - $15,000 | Route 207 - $15,000 ❖ Poison Jab ➣ Tutor Heaven - $12,000 ❖ Psych Up ➣ Fight Area House 2 - $15,000 ❖ Sludge Wave ➣ Celadon City Game Corner - $15,000 ❖ Smart Strike ➣ Iron Island Exit Room - $12,000 | Tutor Heaven - $12,000 ❖ Stone Edge ➣ Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Sky Attack ➣ Mt. Summer Summit - $15,000 ❖ Tri Attack ➣ Wayward Cave Secret Area - $15,000 ❖ Work Up ➣ Golds Gym - $15,000 ❖ Zap Cannon ➣ Iron Island B1F L - $15,000
  2. ❖ Ancient Power ➣ Ruins of Alph - $3,500 (after finishing Pewter Museum questline) ❖ Aqua Tail ➣ Abandoned Ship Exterior - $7,000 ❖ Block ➣ Petalburg City House 2 - $15,000 ❖ Body Slam ➣ Saffron Dojo - $15,000 | Goldenrod Mart 3 - $15,000 ❖ Bounce ➣ Lake of Rage - $4,000 ❖ Bulldoze ➣ Mt. Coronet Center - $12,000 ❖ Bug Bite ➣ Ilex Forest - $5,000 ❖ Counter ➣ Celadon Mart 3 - $5,000 ❖ Covet ➣ Route 16 - $3,000 ❖ Dark Pulse ➣ Lavaridge Mart - $9,000 ❖ Defog ➣ Violet School - $15,000 | Tutor Heaven - $8,000 ❖ Double-Edge ➣ Victory Road Kanto 2F - $9,000 ❖ Draco Meteor ➣ Dragons Shrine (Lance Boss) - $15,000 | Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Dragon Pulse ➣ Route 216 - $8,500 - Special Offer: Five for $34,000 ❖ Drain Punch ➣ Lilycove Department Store 5F - $8,000 ❖ Dream Eater ➣ Viridian City - $4,000 ❖ Drill Run ➣ Granite Cave B1F - $6,000 ❖ Dynamic Punch ➣ Rustboro City Building 1 3F - $7,500 (after finishing the Quest given by Expert Belt Bo) ❖ Earth Power ➣ Tohjo Falls - $10,000 ❖ Endeavor ➣ Violet City - $11,000 ❖ Explosion ➣ Mineral Site (Gingery Jones) - $10,000 (needs 5,000 Discoverys) ❖ Extreme Speed (event tutor) ➣ Route 48 - $7,500 ❖ Feint Attack ➣ Lilycove Department Store 3F - $15,000 ❖ Fire Punch ➣ Route 42 (Rock Climb/Abseil Rope needed) - $4,500 | Fallarbor Town - $10,000 | Tutor Heaven - $4,500 ❖ Fissure ➣ Mineral Site (Gingery Jones) - $10,000 (needs 5,000 Discoverys) ❖ Focus Punch ➣ Pokemon League Hoenn - $15,000 ❖ Foul Play ➣ Lavender Town - $15,000 ❖ Furry Cutter ➣ Pokecenter Verdanturf (Upstairs) - $2,000 (3 times per week limit) ❖ Giga Drain ➣ Viridian Maze (Erika Boss) - $7,500 | Tutor Heaven - $7,500 ❖ Gunk Shot ➣ Petalburg Woods - $9,000 ❖ Headbutt ➣ Viridian Forest Maze - $2,000 | Ilex Forest - $1,000 | Petalburg Maze - $2,000 | Eterna Forest - $1,000 ❖ Heal Bell ➣ Ecruteak City - $16,000 | Tutor Heaven - $16,000 ❖ Heat Wave ➣ Cinnabar Gym B1F - $8,000 ❖ Horn Leech ➣ Eterna Forest (through the Secret Cave) - $15,000 ❖ Hyper Voice ➣ Route 28 - $8,000 ❖ Hypnosis ➣ Pokemon Tower B12 - $12,000 ❖ Ice Punch ➣ Route 42 (Rock Climb/Abseil Rope needed) - $4,500 | Safari Johto Snow Zone - $15,000 | Pokemon League Hoenn - $10,000 | Tutor Heaven - $4,500 ❖ Icy Wind ➣ Seafoam B4F - $5,000 | Mahogany Town Shop - $12,000 | Eumi Island Town - $15,000 ❖ Iron Defense ➣ Mt. Silver 1F - $8,000 ❖ Iron Head ➣ Olivine Cafe - $8,000 | Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Knock Off ➣ Trainers Valley - $15,000 | Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Liquidation ➣ Amity Square - $15,000 ❖ Low Kick ➣ Golds Gym (Chuck Boss) - $7,500 ❖ Magic Coat ➣ Celestic Town - $15,000 ❖ Magic Room ➣ Celestic Town - $10,000 ❖ Magnet Rise ➣ Mt. Coronet Summit - $12,000 ❖ Mega Kick ➣ Route 4 - $2,000 ❖ Mega Punch ➣ Route 4 - $2,000 ❖ Mega Punch ➣ Cinnabar Lab Room 1 - $8,000 ❖ Ominous Wind ➣ Union Cave 1F - $3,000 ❖ Outrage ➣ Abandoned Ship B1F Room 1 (Toothless Boss) - $15,000 | Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Pain Split ➣ Pokemon Tower 6F - $4,500 | Tutor Heaven - $4,500 ❖ Play Rough ➣ Love Island - $15,000 ❖ Psych Up ➣ Veilstone Department Store 2F - $7,500 | Fight Area House 2 - $15,000 ❖ Refresh (event tutor) ➣ Route 114 - $7,500 ❖ Rock Slide ➣ Rock Tunnel 2 - $5,000 ❖ Role Play ➣ Hearthome City House 3 - $12,000 | Veilstone Department Store 2F - $12,000 ❖ Rollout ➣ Route 39 - $10,000 ❖ Secret Sword ➣ Matsuki Village - $15,000 ❖ Seed Bomb ➣ Safari Johto Grass and Swamp Zone - $12,000 ❖ Seismic Toss ➣ Pewter City - $2,000 | Golds Gym - $10,000 ❖ Shock Wave ➣ Power Plant (Kanto) - $6,000 ❖ Signal Beam ➣ National Park (Johto) - $8,000 ❖ Skill Swap ➣ Resort Area - $15,000 ❖ Sky Attack ➣ Love Island House 2 - $10,000 ❖ Snore ➣ Celadon Mart 3 - $15,000 ❖ Soft-Boiled ➣ Celadon City - $15,000 ❖ Stealth Rock ➣ Cliff Edge Gate (West of Cianwood) - $15,000 | Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ Stomping Tantrum ➣ Digletts Cave - $10,000 ❖ Sucker Punch ➣ Haunted Site (Gingery Jones) - $20,000 (needs 5,000 Discoverys) ❖ Super Fang ➣ Natural Site (Gingery Jones) - $20,000 (needs 5,000 Discoverys) ❖ Superpower ➣ Cianwood House 2 - $12,000 | Tutor Heaven - $12,000 ❖ Superpower (event tutor) ➣ Dewford Town House 2 - $7,500 ❖ Swagger ➣ Victory Road Kanto 3F - $10,000 ❖ Swift ➣ Saffron House Bottom - $2,000 ❖ Swords Dance ➣ Violet City House 2 - $15,000 ❖ Synthesis ➣ Route 218 - $12,000 ❖ Tailwind ➣ Violet City House 1 - $15,000 ❖ Throat Chop ➣ Celadon Mart 1 - $8,000 ❖ Thunder Punch ➣ Route 42 (Rock Climb/Abseil Rope needed) - $4,500 | Pokemon League Hoenn - $10,000 | Tutor Heaven - $4,500 ❖ Thunder Wave ➣ Silph Co 1F - $15,000 | Goldenrod Mart 3 - $15,000 ❖ Trick ➣ Ruins of Alph - $6,000 (after you went through Union Cave) ❖ Vacuum Wave ➣ Cianwood City - $8,000 ❖ Water Pulse ➣ Cianwood House 1 - $5,000 | Cerulean City Gym - $3,500 - Special Offer: Five for $14,000 ❖ Whirlpool ➣ Route 41 - $8,000 ❖ Wish ➣ Eumi Island Town - $15,000 ❖ Wonder Room ➣ Celestic Town - $10,000 ❖ Worry Seed ➣ Route 210 North - $7,500 ❖ Zen Headbutt ➣ Slateport City (Outdoor Market) - $8,000
  3. Available from Egg Move Tutor stationed at every Daycare Center after defeating Naero Boss in Cerulean Cave B1F and from Tutor Heaven. $15,000 per move Kanto Daycare — Route 5 Johto Daycare — Route 34 Hoenn Daycare — Route 117 Sinnoh Daycare — Solaceon Town
  4. For ease of navigation in this guide, we highly recommend utilizing the search function. Using CTRL+F (for Windows) or CMD+F (for MAC) will assist in locating specific items within the guide efficiently. If you happen to come across any additional locations of TMs, HMs, or Tutors that are not listed in this guide, we would be grateful if you could share them with us via direct message (DM) or by reporting the specific post. Any incomplete or incorrect information is appreciated. To expedite the process, we request that you provide a clear image of the item or alternatively, provide the name of the map in which the item can be found, along with the item's name. It is important to note that our game follows the mechanics of Generation 7, and as such, our TMs and Tutors are limited to those available in Generation 7. Any additional TMs/TRs or Tutors introduced in later Generations are not currently available in our game. We do acknowledge that some Tutors may not be present in the game. You can bring this to our attention by creating a thread in the Suggestions forum. TMs & HMs | Egg Moves | Move Tutors | TM Teacher | Special Move Tutors ❖ TM01: Mega Punch ➣ Fuchsia City - $6,000 ❖ TM02: Razor Wind ➣ Fuchsia City - $3,500 ❖ TM03: Energy Ball ➣ Love Island House 3 - $9,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $36,000 | Tutor Heaven - $15,000 ❖ TM04: Whirlwind ➣ Fuchsia City - $4,000 ❖ TM05: Mega Kick ➣ Fuchsia City - $6,000 | FOUND on Route 4 ❖ TM06: Toxic ➣ FOUND in Fiery Path (hidden inside a Rock) | Fuchsia City Gym - $5,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $20,000 ❖ TM08: Body Slam ➣ Fuchsia City - $6,500 ❖ TM09: Take Down ➣ FOUND in Mt. Moon 1F | Fuchsia City - $6,500 ❖ TM11: Bubble Beam ➣ Fuchsia City - $3,000 ❖ TM12: Water Gun ➣ FOUND in Mt. Moon B1F ❖ TM13: Ice Beam ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $9,000 | FOUND at Seafoam B2F | FOUND at Route 216 | FOUND at Abandoned Ship B1F Room 4 | Possible Held Item of Spheal on Route 105 ❖ TM14: Blizzard ➣ Snowpoint Gym- $12,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $48,000 | Lorelei Boss Battle Reward | Held item of Frillish on Route 105 ❖ TM15: Hyper Beam ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $15,000 ❖ TM16: Pay Day ➣ Fuchsia City - $1,500 ❖ TM17: Submission ➣ Fuchsia City- $6,500 | FOUND in Route 15 ❖ TM19: Seismic Toss ➣ FOUND in Route 25 | FOUND aboard the SS Anne ❖ TM21: Mega Drain ➣ Fuchsia City - $3,000 ❖ TM22: Solar Beam ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $15,000 / Possible Reward from Erika Boss | Can be found in a pokeball in Cinnabar Mansion B1F ❖ TM23: Dragon Rage ➣ Fuchsia City - $2,000 | FOUND in the Viridian Maze | Purchasable from the Artifact Maniac at Historical Site for 150 Excavation Pieces ❖ TM24: Thunderbolt ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $9,000 | possible Reward from Lt. Surge Boss | FOUND in Cerulean Cave 2F | Possible Reward from Pokestop next to Power Plant ❖ TM25: Thunder ➣ Power Plant - $12,000 ❖ TM26: Earthquake ➣ Viridian City Gym - $9,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $36,000 | Possible Reward from Bruno Boss | Historical Site (Artifact Maniac Hastor) - 75 Artifact Points ❖ TM27: Fissure ➣ Fuchsia City - $15,000 | Possible Celadon Task Master Reward ❖ TM28: Dig ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $3,500 | Slateport City - $3,500 | Route 36 (Smuggler) - $5,000 | Historical Site (Artifact Maniac Hastor) - 50 Artifact Points | FREE Cerulean House 6 | FREE Route 114 ❖ TM29: Psychic ➣ Saffron Gym - $9,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $36,000 ❖ TM30: Teleport ➣ Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - $5,000 ❖ TM32: Double Team ➣ Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - $8,000 ❖ TM33: Reflect ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $4,000 ❖ TM34: Bide ➣ Fuchsia City - $1,000 ❖ TM36: Self-Destruct ➣ Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - $8,000 ❖ TM37: Egg Bomb ➣ Fuchsia City - $6,500 ❖ TM38: Fire Blast ➣ Cinnabar Gym - $12,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $48,000 ❖ TM39: Swift ➣ Fuchsia City - $3,000 ❖ TM40: Skull Bash ➣ Fuchsia City - $6,000 ❖ TM41: Soft-Boiled ➣ Fuchsia City - $5,000 ❖ TM42: Dream Eater ➣ Celadon Mart 3 - $6,000 | Possible Celadon Task Master Reward ❖ TM44: Rest ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $8,000 | Vermilion City - $6,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $24,000 ❖ TM45: Thunder Wave ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $2,000 ❖ TM46: Psywave ➣ Fuchsia City - $3,000 | FOUND in Goldenrod Underground Path | FOUND in Granite Cave B1F ❖ TM47: Explosion ➣ Route 47 - $15,000 ❖ TM48: Rock Slide ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 - $8,000 | Historical Site (Artifact Maniac Hastor) - 50 Artifact Pieces ❖ TM50: Substitute ➣ Trainers Valley - $9,000 ❖ TM51: Endure ➣ Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - $5,000 ❖ TM52: Dragon Claw ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F - $7,000 | possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss ❖ TM53: Psyshock ➣ Goldenrod Mart 3 - $9,000 | Historical Site (Artifact Maniac Hastor) - 75 Artifact Pieces ❖ TM54: Calm Mind ➣ Mossdeep City Gym - $6,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $24,000 | Possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss ❖ TM55: Roar ➣ Celadon Mart 3 - $4,000 | Route 114 (Katy Perry) - $2,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $8,000 | FOUND on Route 213 (Rock Climb/Abseil Rope needed) | Guild Island - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM57: Hail ➣ Lilycove Department Store 3F - $4,500 ❖ TM58: Bulk Up ➣ Dewford Town Gym - $3,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $12,000 ❖ TM59: Echoed Voice ➣ Goldenrod City Gym - $3,500 - Special Offer: 5 for $14,000 ❖ TM60: Hidden Power ➣ Veilstone Department Store 2F - $6,500 | Slateport City (TM Seller) - $6,500 | Possible Reward from Lt. Surge Boss ❖ TM61: Sunny Day ➣ Lilycove Department Store 3F - $4,500 ❖ TM62: Taunt ➣ Goldenrod Mart 3 / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $6,000 | Possible Prize from Trick House Challenge (Route110) | Possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss | FOUND in Goldenrod Underground Basement (during Radio Station Quest) ❖ TM63: Dynamic Punch ➣ CIanwood City Gym - $12,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $48,000 ❖ TM64: Drain Punch ➣ Veilstone Gym - $8,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $32,000 ❖ TM65: Dragon Breath ➣ Goldenrod Mart 3 - $3,500 | Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - $3,500 ❖ TM66: Light Screen ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $4,000 ❖ TM67: Protect ➣ Trainers Valley - $6,000 | Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $6,000 ❖ TM68: Rain Dance ➣ Lilycove Department Store 3F - $4,500 ❖ TM69: Roost ➣ Fortree Gym - $9,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $36,000 | Historical Site (Artifact Maniac Hastor) - 75 Artifact Pieces ❖ TM71: Dragon Pulse ➣ Blackthorn City Gym - $8,500 - Special Offer: 5 for $34,000 ❖ TM74: Dazzling Gleam ➣ Diamond Domain Main Cave - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM75: Swords Dance ➣ Trainers Valley - $10,000 | Celadon Mart 6 in exchange for a Soda Pop (one time only) | Historical Site (Artifact Maniac Hastor) - 100 Artifact Pieces ❖ TM76: Dark Pulse ➣ Ecruteak City - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 / Sinnoh Pokemon League Grand Floor - $10,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $40,000 ❖ TM77: Curse ➣ Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - $5,000 | Hearthome City House 1 - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 | Guild Island - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM78: Charge Beam ➣ Vermilion City Gym - $5,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $20,000 ❖ TM80: Shadow Ball ➣ Hearthome Gym - $9,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $36,000 | Possible Celadon Task Master Reward | FOUND in Hall of Fame (Lavender Town) | Possible Reward from Morty Boss | Possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss ❖ TM81: Brick Break ➣ Lilycove Department Store 3F - $6,500 ❖ TM83: Bulldoze ➣ Survival Area Pokemart - $6,000 ❖ TM85: Flamethrower ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $9,000 | Possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss ❖ TM86: Sludge Bomb ➣ Dewford Town - $5,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $20,000 (needs 5 Hoenn badges) ❖ TM87: Sandstorm ➣ Lilycove Department Store 3F - $4,500 | FOUND in Route 111 Desert ❖ TM88: Brine ➣ Pastoria Gym - $4,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $16,000 ❖ TM89: Rock Tomb ➣ Rustboro City Gym - $3,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $12,000 ❖ TM90: Avalanche ➣ Mahogany Town Gym - $7,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $28,000 ❖ TM91: Aurora Veil ➣ Snowpoint City House - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM92: Facade ➣ Petalburg City Gym - $6,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $24,000 | Possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss ❖ TM94: Aerial Ace ➣ Violet City Gym - $3,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $12,000 ❖ TM96: Thief ➣ Celadon Mart 6 - $7,500 (after finishing Thief Quest) | Possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss | FREE from Officer Jenny in Viridian ❖ TM98: Focus Punch ➣ Petalburg City - $15,000 ❖ TM99: Fury Cutter ➣ Goldenrod Mart 3 - $3,500 ❖ TM100: Overheat ➣ Lavaridge Town Gym - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM101: Giga Drain ➣ Celadon Gym - $8,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $32,000 ❖ TM102: Headbutt ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $4,500 ❖ TM103: Ice Punch ➣ Guild Island - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM104: False Swipe ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $4,000 | FREE from Max in Mart Rustboro City | Route 48 - $4,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $16,000 | Possible Reward from Celadon Task Master ❖ TM105: Scald ➣ Sootopolis City Gym 1F - $9,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $36,000 / possible Reward from Misty Boss ❖ TM107: Iron Tail ➣ Olivine City Gym - $8,000 - Special Offer: Five for $32,000 ❖ TM108: Leech Life ➣ Trainers Valley - $8,000 ❖ TM111: Will-O-Wisp ➣ Veilstone Department Store 2F - $7,000 ❖ TM114: Rock Smash ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $3,500 | Slateport City (TM Seller) - $3,500 | Route 36 (Smuggler) - $5,000 | Mauville City House 2 (Nerd Julian) - $5,000 | Oreburgh City House 2 (Miner Daen)- $5,000 | Ravaged Path (Explorer Tony) - $5,000 | Given by Oaks Aide inside Route 11 Stop House 1F after obtaining 30 caught Pokemon ❖ TM115: Shadow Claw ➣ Ecruteak Gym - $7,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $28,000 | Possible Celadon Task Master Reward | FOUND in Burned Tower Floor 2 / FOUND in Granite Cave B2F / Possible Reward from Shary & Shaui Boss ❖ TM122: Volt Switch ➣ Trainers Valley - $6,000 ❖ TM123: Steel Wing ➣ Celadon City Game Corner - $7,000 ❖ TM128: Water Pulse ➣ Cerulean Gym - $3,500 - Special Offer: 5 for $14,000 ❖ TM130: Return ➣ Goldenrod Mart 3 / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $8,000 ❖ TM134: Shock Wave ➣ Mauville Gym - $3,500 - Special Offer: 5 for $14,000 ❖ TM135: Gyro Ball ➣ Guild Island - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM138: Sleep Talk ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $7,000 ❖ TM139: U-Turn ➣ Azalea Town Gym - $6,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $24,000 / Possible Reward from Bugsy Boss ❖ TM142: Rock Polish ➣ Oreburgh City Gym - $4,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $12,000 ❖ TM143: Poison Jab ➣ (Kanto) Safari Area 1 - $12,000 ❖ TM144: X-Scissor ➣ National Park - $8,000 ❖ TM145: Focus Blast ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $12,000 ❖ TM146: Giga Impact ➣ Celadon Mart 3 / Goldenrod Mart 3 / Lilycove Department Store 3F / Veilstone Department Store 2F - $15,000 ❖ TM147: Flash Cannon ➣ Canalave Gym - $9,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $36,000 ❖ TM148: Trick Room ➣ Mossdeep City Space Center 1F - $12,000 ❖ TM149: Stone Edge ➣ Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside - $12,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $48,000 ❖ TM150: Stealth Rock ➣ Guild Island - $15,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $60,000 ❖ TM151: Grass Knot ➣ Eterna Gym - $7,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $28,000 ❖ TM155: Sludge Wave ➣ Celadon City Game Corner - $10,000 ❖ TM156: Smack Down ➣ Pewter Gym - $2,000 - Special Offer: 5 for $8,000 ❖ TM157: Wild Charge ➣ Sunyshore Gym - $12,000 - Special offer: 5 for $48,000 ❖ TM161: Infestation ➣ Route 212 South - $10,000 ❖ TM167: Power-Up Punch ➣ Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - $7,000 ❖ HM01: Cut ➣ FOUND aboard SS Anne (from the Captain after curing him) ❖ HM02: Fly ➣ Received after completing the Subway Managers Quest (not usable outside battle) ❖ HM03: Surf ➣ FOUND in Safari House 4 in (Kanto) Safari Area 3 ❖ HM05: Flash ➣ Given by Oak's Aide inside Route 2 Stop 3 after obtaining 10 caught Pokemon ❖ HM06: Dive ➣ Received from Steven at Mossdeep City Space Center 1F (after beating Mossdeep Gym) ❖ HM07: Waterfall ➣ FOUND at Cave of Origin B3F / FOUND at Sinnoh Safari Area Zone 4 (only if you had not found it previously)
  5. Hello @Danhpham543, As you have requested, I have restored your Feebas and it should on your last PC slot. Please be more careful next time. In the future, you can also use our Restore Pokemon Megathread for your requests about deleted Pokemon. Now as the issue has been solved, I will locked this thread as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another thread if you encounter a problem or want to ask any question in the future. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  6. As this issue seems to be resolved, I am going to lock this thread as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issue or want to ask any question in the future.
  7. As the initial question was answered, I am going to lock this thread as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issue or want to ask any question in the future. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  8. Hello @Lyn1311, Using two of your account, as long as only one is on the ladder, you can play on the Gold server as well. It is mentioned in Rule #4 of our RANKED PVP RULES. I will try to explain this rule below. As this rule states you can play PvP with only two of your own accounts (so a total of four characters—two from each account, in both servers). However, you should be careful as only one of the character from only one of your account is allowed to be in the Top 25 Ladder at the end of the season. It is also important to note that if more than one of your characters, whether in the same server or both servers, manages to rank in the Top 25 Ladder at the end of the season, you will face consequences as stipulated by our rules. To prevent such consequences, in the event that you have multiple characters ranked in the Top 25 Ladder around the end of the season, please try to contact one of our Moderators by creating a topic in the Report Center and explain your situation. Our moderators will assist you in removing your ratings so that your characters will not be listed on the ladder. I hope that this clarifies your doubts or misunderstandings regarding our PvP rules. Let me know if you have any more questions regarding this.
  9. Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future.
  10. Hello @Lacomus, We regret to inform you that the service you require is outside the scope of our operations. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate your request as it falls outside the range of services that we provide. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Now I will be locking this thread as there is nothing to be done about this. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  11. Hello @Meliodassama07, From what I can see, you never had caught or even seen the Solgaleo in this account. You can even check your Pokedex to cross-check the info. It should not appear or have a pokeball icon beside it. Hope it helps you. Let me know if you have any more questions.
  12. Hello @Nieniedreamer, I sincerely apologize for the delay in my response to your message. Regarding the thread you are referring to, I must acknowledge that it is relatively old and not entirely relevant to the current situation. It is worth noting that some of the features mentioned in the thread have already been implemented, in more or less different ways. However, I would like to inform you that the feature that allows or contains the account reset is already planned. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide you with an estimated timeline for the commencement of this project. There are several factors that may impact the prioritization and scheduling of this and other planned features. Most of the already planned features/elements are mentioned in the DEV to-do list. Please give it a read if you haven't already. And let me know if you have any other questions regarding this. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  13. Hello @Netayan, We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced due to the recent issue that occurred during the lending period of your Pokemon. We understand that you were unable to complete the full lending period, as the Pokemon were returned to their previous trainer before the lending period was over after the maintenance period. Our Developers are fully aware of this matter. We also like to assure you that you should be able to perform lending trades again without any further issues. Let us know if you have any further questions.
  14. Hello @Bossgaming1234, We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced due to the recent issue that occurred during the lending period of your Pokemon. We understand that you were unable to complete the full lending period, as the Pokemon were returned to their previous trainer before the lending period was over after the maintenance period. Our Developers are fully aware of this matter. We also like to assure you that you should be able to perform lending trades again without any further issues. Let us know if you have any other questions.
  15. Hello @Kuuak, I apologise for the inconvenience caused and my late reply. Due to a previous lend bug, your Volcarona became stuck, but it has been fixed now. Your Volcarona has been successfully restored and should now be available in your last PC slot. Can you please check it and confirm the same?
  16. It is possible that the player may have previously submitted a Pokemon with 140+ IVs for the Genesect Quest, before having 500-hours of playtime, as another requirement of this quest. In the event that the player had already submitted a Pokemon with 140 or more IVs but had not yet met the 500-hour gameplay requirement, there is no necessity to re-submit another Pokemon once the 500-hour milestone has been achieved.
  17. Hello @Pyros1991, There are two requirements for starting the Genesect Quest - catching and submitting a Pokémon with 140+ total IVs during the Bug Catching contest - having at least 500 hours Based on your Discord messages, it appears that you didn't submit the Ledyba which meets the requirement of having 140 IVs. As stated in the requirements, it is necessary to capture and submit a Pokemon with 140 or more IVs. Unfortunately, because no Pokemon was submitted with this minimum IV threshold, the Genesect Quest was not triggered. To rectify this situation, it will be necessary for you to capture and submit another Pokemon that meets the required IV threshold of 140 or more at the next Bug Catching Contest. I am sorry, but there is nothing we can do about this matter but I hope this answer clears your doubts regarding this quest and you will understand our situation. Let me know if you have any further questions.
  18. Hello @Uvewewe, The only requirements for starting Victini Quest are - the completion of Zekrom Quest - having seen data of all non-legendary Gen 5 Pokemon So no, you don't require the seen data of Shaymin to start the Victini Quest. And as for Shaymin, you can follow this guide to catch it. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  19. Hello @54m3022o21, I apologise for my late response. As you have stated you had interacted with the Entie in the Birth Island. After interacting with the Pokemon on the Birth Island you cannot go back. And as you had logged out after interacting with Entie, the battle was counted as a loss and the ticket was consumed. I fully understand your frustration and disappointment regarding this matter but I am sorry, we can't restore the ticket for you. Hope you will understand. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  20. Hello @Blackshadowww, I apologise for my late reply. Moving to question, if you were to disband the guild you created then there will be no refund of the money which you used to create that guild. Let me know if you have any more questions.
  21. Hello @Mistermyers, Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Most probably this is happening because your antivirus is blocking/deleting some files which are important to run the game. Can you please delete all files of PRO, create an exception of PRO in your antivirus, extract it and run the client again? Please inform us how the thing stands after doing these steps. Kind regards, Yverneas.
  22. Yverneas


    Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any problem or want to ask any question in the future.
  23. Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future.
  24. I'm happy to know that it helped you. As the issue has been resolved this thread will now be locked and marked as "resolved." In the future, if you run across a problem or have a query, don't be afraid to start a new topic.
  25. Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to create another topic if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future.
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