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Nyahoja last won the day on December 12 2024

Nyahoja had the most liked content!

About Nyahoja

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Experienced Trainer (6/12)



  1. Hello @Medu5a, Currently, those are the standards defined by the community and not made by staff members, there are no rules for this and there won't be any since everyone can have a different opinion on a value of a Pokemon.For you, it's 22+ or 25+, for some other, it's different.We cannot define for players such terms. The only rule that exist regarding the stats is the 1st rule of our general trade rules that you can see here; If you see an user breaking this rule then, you are free to report it by using our report center or our report button on forum. So, regarding this : As stated above,there is no rules regarding those terms so you can't report an user that do not break the rules. I do hope that i have been clear, feel free to use our forum whenever you need :), Wish you a good day, Nyahoja.
  2. Hello @Finnderboss, Thank you for the feedback on this thread we do appreciate it, however, be sure to keep this thread SPAWN related. I removed your last comment concerning the spawn editors. @Closecombat explained spawn editors reasons above. As said, spawns are evolving alongside the game,despite his explanations you refuse to agree with them (which is totally fine) but please if you have any complaint towards staff members or the work they provide, you are free to use our General complain area. Another staff member will take a look at your complain and will answer you in this one. Hope that you will understand, Nyahoja.
  3. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/221718-buy~cop~bunearyevo/
  4. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/221718-buy~cop~bunearyevo/
  5. Answered you here. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/221718-buy~cop~bunearyevo/
  6. Answered here. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/221718-buy~cop~bunearyevo/
  7. Hello. The event form isn't released yet so you can't currently find one. It should be available in an upcoming event. Make sure to follow our latest announcements on PRO discord to not miss it! Also, you are allowed to bump your post once per 24h, to avoid breaking rules in the future, i would suggest you to check them. This has been said, i will be locking all of your threads regarding the Lopunny's form. Wish you a good day, Nyahoja.
  8. Keep this thread clean, any deplorable behaviour will not be tolerate and will be punished accordingly to our punishment policy. Be sure to respect our rules from now.
  9. Hello, As stated in our discord server, the game is under maintenance for the Halloween event release, the servers will be up as soon as the maintenance will be over. Our developpers team is on it, you will be notified on discord once those one will be up. Our apologies for the waiting time, Have a good day, Nyahoja.
  10. Hello, As stated in our discord server, the game is under maintenance for the Halloween event release, the servers will be up as soon as the maintenance will be over. Our developpers team is on it, you will be notified on discord once those one will be up. Our apologies for the waiting time, Have a good day, Nyahoja.
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