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Everything posted by Medu5a

  1. Looking for offers (Thats not mean if you make better offer from the last one you seen i have to accept it) Thanks
  2. Up (soon will be updated my shop)
  3. S.O 150K MIN BID 10K INSTA 400K 48HOURS AFTER FIRST BID Good Luck Have Fun evryone
  4. semi epic its all stats near at 20 but anyway i start with 30k
  5. i come back at the game! C0mp i whould love be at your side once again
  6. i whould love donate some monay raika pm me in game if you are still at silver
  7. Wtb OT from me & from my old acc Paok123 if you have anything pm me here or at discord I whould love make some trade back if you are willing Thanks for your time
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