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Everything posted by Exzxay

  1. ok pm me on discord or ingame when you are online
  2. well dustyghost was the guy. he also pm me at discord with a different user name, but its the same person
  3. sorry already sold.
  4. ok lets meet in vermilion
  5. Welcome to my Shop! I sell all these forms and shinies, most of them OT You can offer me with cc (370k), rc(6k), RARE shinies or forms and cash If you want to reach me fast or want to negotiate, dm me on Discord : exzxay(Exzxay#1809) or Ingame : Exzxay. Please dont pm me on Forum If you are lookintg for some pvp mons check out my shop: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/208158-exz-pvp-shop-31122022/ Gold Players need to transfer if they want to buy something! Halloween Xmas Vday Summer Pinkan Shadow Shinies PvP-able forms and Shinies My Wishlist Sold
  6. im on gold currently. let me transfer and meet in cerulean
  7. 4.1m
  8. 3.8m
  9. 3.5m
  10. 3.3m
  11. 3.1m
  12. 2.65m
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