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Everything posted by Vatevuoktliek

  1. Auction ended, @Jackstermacpm me when available
  2. As i said, make an appeal. How you make that is up to you.
  3. If an account is banned, u can make an appeal to unban it.
  4. So, I want to ask the Mods before i make a new auction topic about a new bidding feature that I want to do and in case it's illegal, that I don't get banned for doing it. Basically, the minimum bid will change according to the current bid. I know that in the trade rules, you are not allowed to change or add values once the auction starts, but technically, it will be unchanged in the sense that the minimum bid amount will be a certain percent of the current bid which I don't think is stated in the rules. So, Moderators, please inform me whether this form of auction will be allowed or not.
  5. Starting offer 100k Minimum offer 50k Auction ends 72 hours after first bid Starting offer 400k Minimum offer 50k Auction ends 72 hours after first bid Payment exchange rate:. Rare candies @6k Coin Capsule @420k Nature Reroll Tickets @270k Reroll Tickets @540k
  6. Nah, i have more than 7 h.a karps in pc... Maybe when i burn through all of them?
  7. If you can't find someone to lend u a gyarados moxie, keep lotsa trash rattled karp or mocie gyara by hunting in sootopolis. It's really helpful for lonely players like me...
  8. You fail to add speed boost pokemon, Blaziken, Ninjask and Scolipede
  9. Auction ended, winner @Carrypm me when available
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