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Everything posted by Vatevuoktliek

  1. Start
  2. Starting offer 200k Minimum offer 20k Instant payment 7m Auction ends 48 hours after first bid Payment exchange rate:. Rare candies @6k Coin Capsule @420k Nature Reroll Tickets @270k Reroll Tickets @540k
  3. Starting offer 50k Minimum offer 20k Auction ends 168 hours after first bid Payment exchange rate:. Rare candies @6k Coin Capsule @420k Nature Reroll Tickets @270k Reroll Tickets @540k
  4. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/239155-23-adamant-snorlax-auction/
  5. Yup, sorry about not contacting you... I have been busy this past two days
  6. Starting offer 50k Minimum offer 20k Auction ends 48 hours after first bid Payment exchange rate:. Rare candies @6k Coin Capsule @420k Nature Reroll Tickets @270k Reroll Tickets @540k
  7. Starting offer 500k Minimum offer 50k Instant payment 25m Auction ends 72 hours after first bid Auction will be handled on my Gold account @Dakrakboy Payment exchange rate:. Rare candies @6k Coin Capsule @420k Nature Reroll Tickets @270k Reroll Tickets @540k
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