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Everything posted by Gangstersus

  1. @Fusionflair yes i still encounter the issue
  2. @Fusionflairthank you for the reply it is ubuntu 18.04.5-64bit
  3. s.o=200k min bid=50k auction ends after 24hours from the first offer insta 1m
  4. i installed PRO on my linux and everything has been like this for months i tried reinstalling and everything
  5. @Boemvaobalo ill be online for the next 5hours
  6. @Boemvaobalo i sent u friend request in discord accept it and msg me
  7. @Boemvaobalowhen can u com online? or whats ur discord id
  8. i am not writing prices,u can offer accepted payments: rc=7k iv rr=550k nature rr=230k cc=400k
  9. sry mistake
  10. i
  11. can i buy this for 250k since the defense and hp is low pls? ign:gangstersus discord:hecker9915
  12. i would like to buy this as well
  13. i buy ign:gangstersus or discord:hecker9915
  14. do u do diancie quest service for only the chess part? if yes then how much price msg me here with ping or my ing:gangstersus
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