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About Bnoapo7

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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. https://gyazo.com/e56603fe39b251555f827a0cc2889c96 done ty all for bidding
  2. exactly 1h left. 5mil co 6m insta
  3. 2.6mil lead ends in about 1h 30min.
  4. around 5h left. 2.2m co
  5. around 20h left on the action co 2m
  6. Start 2 mil min raise 100k insta 6 mil 24h from start bid
  7. amazing hydreigon. if i had money i would offer money on this. nice catch buddy!
  8. Player name: Bnoapo7 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 2
  9. Buying these: Adamant Tyranitar 31 speed 20+ (or close to it) Ditto imposter hidden power ground any nature 15+ HP Swampert Adamant 31 speed 20+ (or close to it) Post plz if u got any of those
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