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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. Hey @Mbk @Medu5ahas transferred to silver but still can u help force trade this as i m super inactive nowadays, i know its my responsibility to complete the trade but still it would be nice of u if u force trade this [Karablast and rotom for 30k ea (total-->60k)
  2. I will dm u on dc when i will come on
  3. Actually i just came for 5min XD I will try to get u tommorow(after 18hrs if possible)
  4. I won volc for 50k i m in event pc
  5. K if u dont gonna believe its fine u may report me Just to let u know i m not talking to the guy u think
  6. Name : Glacior Type : Dragon/Ice Ability : Levitate,none,Flash Freeze(H.A.) Flash Freeze is a new ability introduced my me What it do is..... pokemon has 50% more chance to freeze the enemy mon if it moves first in the turn in which it was switched(kinda hard to explain) Stats Atk..100 Def..75 Spd..110 Spatk..45 Spdef..75 Hp..95 Pokedex entry :people says this poke was created by gritina somewhere in northpole Thxs
  7. Just to let u know all the timming are according to 0GMT according to what i know
  8. 50k ea for gen and volc
  9. +1 (but it would be better if there is a purple star sign above them)
  10. Is it neccessary to make ur own poke or we can take from our fren(non pro player) too
  11. And its kind of rare to get a ban for strting 2 topic in same section max to max u can get temporary tradd ban for doing so
  12. Bro u can strt 2 auction at a time in different sub section Which means u can hve one auction in shiny and special poke Another in selling poke Etc... Gl anyways
  13. Bro u should hve researched e lil bit more as every fire time move doesnt melt frozen only some special one can do that I dont see that flamethrower can melt it in ur ss either
  14. U didnt won it bro Real winner is @Pepemelenas
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