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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. Gott it make it 12121
  2. Bump @Raikaisa665 @ligodzyt
  3. Need help to forcetrade with @Medu5a
  4. Feebas 200)
  5. Larv 111k
  6. Oopps Strt bundle
  7. Strt karp
  8. 70k feerow
  9. Need help for f-trade
  10. Waiting for @Medu5a
  11. Hey winners i m on
  12. Magne swinub and maril won by @Acetzy [45k]{15k ea} Karra and rotom won by @Medu5a[60k]{30k ea} carbink won by @Ashvanth007[100k]
  13. Less than 1 hr left
  14. @Raikaisa665 and ligodzyt pls message here when u come online
  15. Less than 4hrs left
  16. I dont perfectly understand what u meanr but ig u are saying that these are fun auc and these would be way better if payment method was oran berry or something instead of raw money
  17. I dont think it will go more than 360 @@
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