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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. Hii i would like to buy impish h.a. garchomp(150k)... expect some discount I can come online at 2:00pm to 3pm (GMT +5HRS 30 MINS) Thank you
  2. Thnx ...Tho i saw it later :V
  3. +1 (SUGGESTION : it would be good if it automatically resets like every day ....also if u can change the reset time too ...like a week or a month or maybe never )
  4. Can someone tell me how much time left :V
  5. 400k for pancham and noibat Gl!!
  6. Bro will add S jang jang in his signature if he gets it xD
  7. 87,918...
  8. 86918
  9. I would like to buy a bold/impish/calm/careful 20+ bulk shuckle Strudy ofc
  10. 1 hw treecko per week if 100 player hunt it My assumptions (SO IF WE GATHER 100 PLAYER HW TREECKO IS OURS)
  11. Loll... i m in silver :V but dw i will ttranser if i win
  12. If that was the issue than u can easily enter after few seconds
  13. Hii there, See when u log out and then immediately try to log in then this issue happens ..... But i think not in ur case...
  14. Completed trade with his alt
  15. Sure @Lacomus tell me ur alt name as well discord #number @Vatevuoktliek u won happiny @Dream123456 u won absol (I WILL TRY REQUESTING A FORCE TRADE TOO)
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