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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. 500k bisharp (transfer if i win or Will use bankman poke transfer service)
  2. Not to mention will transfer on win
  3. 400k bisharp
  4. Greninja 170k
  5. I guess he hasnt uploaded the pokes yet
  6. Bro very good work, I got tired tired by just seeing how vast and detailed the guide and u wrote it all damn Appreciated
  7. I want the service for 4pokes
  8. Oh just saw its on silver But dw either i will transfer or use my alt to complete the deal
  9. See bro its not necessary to pay Like i hvent even used a single IRL money but still i m able to enjoy the game at its max.. As a newbie u hve two solutionss 1) Completing story line 2) Purchase a dratini from someone else.... It would cost 5-10k (A normal one) or u can even get it for free from a nice personn..
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