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Everything posted by Nxtaryan

  1. Rules Details :- NO fake offer (they will be reported) S.o - 50k (each pokemon) This is not a bundled auction Min bid - 10k (each pokemon) This is a silver server auction (Gold players can transfer) Time - 50hrs (each pokemon) Mention if you trade from your alt acc Insta - seprate (mentioned below) 15min rule applied Here Insta - 500k Insta - 400k Insta - 600k
  2. that's the same topic u posted twice bro if u want to display your topic in forums main page u can bump , up^ by commenting to you own topic in every 24hrs
  3. Hello, The rule is for 15mins not 10min Read here
  4. What is your IGN? Nxtaryan What is your discord? aryan_3109 Tell us a little about yourself. play this game for fun and to make friends and having intrest in pvp How many hours do you currently have? 750+hrs Do you know any existing members? icycold,jivitesh,nathji,vegeta,praveen many Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? Ragnarok,Trailblaze What are your expectations for this guild? pvp contests & fungames,events What You are looking for from the guild? Making friends and play with every1 What other games do you play online? Bgmi What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? Pikachu , pika voice xD In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. iam a friendly and helpful player but my previous guilds player didn't have any intrest in playing together If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)? Balance team
  5. Thanks @Magicarpediem <333
  6. pm me when u are online ig or on discord aryan_3109 (iam mostly online at 2pm +5:30Gmt)
  7. Nice shop ^_^
  8. is blue,purple kimono available ?
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