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Everything posted by J0hann14

  1. Reserved to you, I will be home in 1 hour so we can do the deal.
  2. 650k venu and karp
  3. BUMP Diggersby and Scizor added, Goodra price lowered.
  4. Dratini SOLD
  5. Corphish SOLD.
  6. Ok, it is reserved for you, PM me in game to do the deal.
  7. shop closed
  8. Insta sold, can be blosed.
  9. bump around 24 hours left
  10. CO: 800k - 8man96 Instant: 2.5M. Duration: 48 Hours. Min. Bid: 50k. Accept CC 370k.
  11. Idk if prices are negotiable but I offer 300k for Marill. Lemme know if you want to deal.
  12. Hey @Vns44I guess I won the auction, lemme know when and where we can meet.
  13. If you have the option to disable it for your special encounters, I would like that feature. Otherwise the amount of spam and scammers messages would be huge. So you can have the option if you want everyone to know you encountered something special or not.
  14. 1.3m
  15. 1.1
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