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  1. how to solve this... I saw that many people have this problem,but there is still no solution. I tired restarting network,and any method of windows defender still cant solve it. I played it for a few months before.no problem. Now once I enter the next place.it will disconnect and I need to reconnect to connect back.this problem really bothers me , I really want to play the game,but I cant,sad. If there is a solution or this is a bug in this game,pls let me know. thank you.
  2. wtb godly gardevoir / rare event form dm me with picture and price ty!
  3. Im looking to buy these event forms or their evolutions, pm me with what you got. thank you so much~ hlw larvesta hlw ralts (jolly) hlw fennekin xmas espurr (female)/Meowstic-F xmas eevee xmas cottonee Priority purchase of xmas poke
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