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Everything posted by Varun9696

  1. @Incandescentsir there was 1 post only i just corrected the spelling of the mon
  2. S.O : 500K MIN BID 1K TIME : 48 HOURS AFTER START Contat : iiV on discord / pokeattack3 / varun9696 in game ACCEPT: CC 380K CASH IV RR : 500K GL everyone
  3. S.O : 1 POKEDOLLAR MIN BID 1 POKEDOLLAR INSTANT : 1m TIME : 20 HOURS CONATCT : iiV on dc / pokeattack3/varun9696 in game Thx @Lacomus for the idea
  4. S.O : 1 POKEDOLLAR MIN BID:1 POKEDOLLAR TIME : 24 HOURS AFTER START INSTANT: N/A CONTACT:iiV on discord// varun9696/Pokeattack3 for offer Thx @Lacomus
  5. S.O : 400k min bid : 1 k time : 48 hours after start
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