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Everything posted by Laertes

  1. Auction started by Gurjant666. Time 48 from now.
  2. Fixed payment methods ;3
  3. Added 2 max speed misdreavus to boss pokes.
  4. bumpinho
  5. Bronzong sold, bump.
  6. Bump
  7. Sold.
  8. Start offer = 800k Min bid = 100k Insta = 2,5m Duration = 48h after first bid Accepting: Poke$ CC = 390k Iv rr = 750k Nature rr = 375k
  9. Henlo There! Rules: 1.Fake offers will be reported 2.Prices are negotiable 3. Once you offer or accept my offer it can't be changed 4. PM me here or in game (Laertes) or on discord (Laertes#9788) Payments: CC = 400k Rare candie = 7k Nature reroll = 375k Iv reroll = 750k BOSS POKES
  10. 3768
  11. I accidentaly released a Shiny Voltorb what i have got as a reward from Thor :( Silver server.
  12. Em... But Bugsy isn't ms boss anymore. Or they changed it again? (You can go to his spawn without MS since last week-two. Not sure when i this boss last time) So idk why u guys talk about makin boss ms, cause of rewards. Or... Now Erika got ms-zoned and i'm little outdated?
  13. Ign: Laertes Country: Poland Why? Because i try 3rd time to win on PRO giveaway, khehe. And i'm nice guy, who would like to play S&m with guildies and old guildies, and ofc. for other stuff.
  14. Well... With that what i saw here: Dugtrio isn't worth to doing hp evs imom. He is too squishy for that. Just go full atk / spd. Also with that ev spread his atk will be pretty low ^^. Also i would suggest rock move (stone edge?) to get rid of talons with ur focus sash for example. Sucker punch won't do much to them and they are pretty popular. Blissey: I'm not sure if tbolt will be really helpfuly and will make any diff, i think good would be just to put twave / toxic instead of that. Ferro: Maybe 252hp, 168spdef, and else evs for def? That will let u survive special moves (like hp fire from magnezones), and also u can replace twave with protect (leech seed magnezone, protect, etc) Togekiss: In that build... maybe nasty plot instead twave? Last poke... Like Bash said, it can be talonflame, but then, it won't be best for coverage. What about Lucario? Extreme speed / Bullet punch as priors, also stab on Fighting moves.
  15. Meh Baente. Maybe someday u gonna back, or not. Well. We will still stay in contact, i hope. Love you <3
  16. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <t>Birch<br/> Medicham (HJK, Zen Headbutt), Slaking, Mightyena (Thunder Fang), Flygon (Draco Meteor, Earthquake), Swellow (Brave Bird, Roost), Mega Sceptile (Acrobatics)<br/> <br/> Rewards 8,5k and Trapinch.</t>
  17. And well... Adding gen 7 pokes also to make it fair also should have updates / boosts / nerfs to old gen pokes. Like nerf gale wings, cursed body gengar, drizzle Pelliper, etc. So i doubt :v
  18. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <t>Aren't sam as far i saw here. One of his teams have Mega Latias instead of Mega Swampert. So also 1 diff mega.<br/> <br/> Got 3,4k and 5xFocus Sash from Shamac </3</t>
  19. Sorry for letting u wait for so long time. PM me ingame when or on forum when u will be able to trade it.
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