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About Forcefull

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  1. i want to make the denied suggestions anonymized (its owner will be anonymous)
  2. how could we know & read all denied suggestion (+5000 denied sugg) before making another one !
  3. i recommand to delete all denied suggestions ofc after giving staff arguments ...
  4. i don't see any suggestion here just complaining & jealousy i think you don't even have a boss team
  5. updated 14 ideas for Happy Hour integration to pro
  6. you can make this happy hour (full party EXP gain): 1- happy hour full part exp gain 2- happy hour first 3rd mones slot only share exp gain 3- happy hour first forth mones slots only share exp gain 4- happy hour the first fourth mones slot share exp gain 5- happy hour the first fofth slots mones share exp gain
  7. auction end @Callmerengod won 1.2m as auction were not off gmt time
  8. ah yes was wrong with gmt time so you won what's ur ingame name btw ?
  9. contact me ingame = forcefull or discord = forcefall
  10. c.o 1m approx 6 hours left
  11. approx 28 hours left c.o 800k by joezzy
  12. Start: 500k Min raise: 100K Accept CC 400K & Reroll IV 500K insta 5M End in: 48 hours after first bid
  13. can you send me screenshoot of what you see
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