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Everything posted by Tjdj

  1. buy heracross 1.5m
  2. u won
  3. 200k by aluf
  4. S.O :- 100K Min bid:- 10k auction ends 24hrs after 1st bid C.O:- 200k by aluf
  5. start taurous and beedrill
  6. start zorua
  7. 182k
  8. start
  9. 140k
  10. 177777
  11. 171111
  12. 166k
  13. 150k
  14. 110k : D
  15. 55k
  16. start 10k
  17. 1.369m by Yakim
  18. 400k by Yakim
  19. 360k by Affan095
  20. Highest bid by Yakim
  21. Highest Bid by Sinistros
  22. highest bid by Affan095
  23. already started by jillastrea at 200k
  24. S.O : - 1k Min Bid : - 1k Auction ends 24hrs after 1st bid C.O : - 1.369m by Yakim ign : - TjDj AUCTION won By @Yakim
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