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  1. Starting Price :1m Min Raise :100k Accepted Payment: Pokedollars, and Coin Capsules = 380k Time Duration :48 Hours The Auction will begin after the first bid... insta - 3 mill
  2. Pm me when u are free seductivehippo574 or in game Ekitten22
  3. hey sir looking for some daycare service if u are free or feel like u can provide me ping me on discord your friendly neighborhood -----> Ekitten22 <------- signing off uwu
  4. wtb one of your poke pm me in game Ekitten22 or in discord seductivehippo574
  5. wtb one of your poke pm me ingame Ekitten22 or in discord seductivehippo574
  6. still looking to buy one of your poke 28 Spd/Atk Rought Skin (sharpidoooooo) can u do 150k? ping me in discord seductivehippo574 or in game Ekitten22
  7. hi looking to buy one of your poke ping me ingame EKitten22 or discord seductivehippo574
  8. wtb one of your untrain poke in game Ekitten22 discord seductivehippo574
  9. looking to buy one of your random lvl 100 poke pm me in game Ekitten22 or discord seductivehippo574
  10. wtb rocky helmet and lagging tail
  11. wtb few item and cosmetic ping me in game Ekitten22 or discord seductivehippo574
  12. wtb rocky helmet and lagging tail ping me in game Ekitten22 or discord seductivehippo574
  13. hey am looking to buy onw of your poke pm me in game Ekitten22 or discord seductivehippo574
  14. mimikyu 125k
  15. mimikyu 125k
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