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    Graphic Designer
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  1. I'm like 99% sure I haven't even attempted to start the quest and when I speak to them it says I've battled them and the text is glitched IGN: jessoliviaevans
  2. hey I'm interested in the char. my discord is: 0xjessicaa IGN: Jessoliviaevans
  3. Price: 100k Discord ID: 821002396481093633 IGN: Jessoliviaevans
  4. doesn't have to be ev trained, if it is, it's a plus!
  5. I'm looking to join a guild on the Gold server. I have a combined total of 221 hours on two accounts: one from 2018 and my new one with 98 hours, which I gained in a short time I've given a significant number of Pokémon away to help new players on their journey and plan to continue doing so, especially within a new guild that I hope to be welcomed into. I'm active within the game and on the PRO Discord, and I plan to play this game every day until I finish the story and focus on PvP, as I've been using Pokémon Showdown until returning to play this again.
  6. Preferably 31 speed - 25+ in all other areas - will consider lower must be kanto/johto
  7. Has to be kanto or Johto region only
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