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  1. Händlerherz Inc. Welcome to my humble shop. Here at Händlerherz Inc. we care about giving every Pokemon a home. Dont ask to many questions and just take a look around. Everything is low price so dont expect me to do every trade immediately. Im not that often online in Forum so its better to contact me ingame or on discord where i share the same name. Accepted payments: CC = 450K Nature Reroll = 250K IV Reroll Ticket = 500K Abra Gible Joltik Magikarp Lapras Litwick Marill Nidoran (m) Sandile Swablu Trapinch Zorua Miscellaneous Poke
  2. Auction end! Winner is Sayainji with 3.4m Proof of transaction follows
  3. Start offer :1m Min bid : 200k No insta Auction ends 72h after first bid
  4. Auction end Rainion won and got messaged privately. Pic coming soon
  5. @Rainion200k is min bid. So your bid is invalid
  6. Starting bid: 2m Min bid: 200k Insta 5m Ends 24h after first offer Accepted payments: CC 400k
  7. Username: Kaempferherz Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Germany (GMT +2)
  8. Now that all the trades are made this topic can be closed
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