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Incandescent last won the day on December 17

Incandescent had the most liked content!


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Veteran Trainer

Veteran Trainer (7/12)



  1. Apologies for the delay. @Leonardosenpai You have been force transferred to Gold Server. @Rudedingo22 The trade has been forced. Have a wonderful day!
  2. Hello @Sh1nogekai @Thanhtd2919 The trade has been forced. Have a good one!
  3. Hello, @Varun9696 You have been punished for mishandling your auction as a result of not respecting the End Point. The winner is @Lordofthetrades with a 54k bid. @Varun9696 @Tin2207 The trade has been reversed. Since the pokemon has been ev and exp trained, I have sent 200k instead of 55k to @Tin2207. Apologies for this inconvenience. @Varun9696 @Lordofthetrades i have forced the correct outcome. Kind regards
  4. Hello @Sunzols @Mezzo12 I have forced the trade. Have a good one!
  5. Hello @Trambuii Please make sure to check out Auction Rules. You can not end your auction before reaching the End Point. Repeating this mistake will lead to consequences. Have a great day!
  6. Hello @Asanagii @Hozloweak The trade has been forced. Have a great day!
  7. Hello, @Roblettin Please make sure to read Auction Rules. You have been punished for withdrawing your offer and for not having enough funds to honor it. @Sylverr Apologies for this inconvenience. @Ctien130609 Since you are the runner up, you have the opportunity to take the pokemon. Do you still want it? It is not mandatory.
  8. Hello @Ajthebaddest I have forced the trade. Have a great day!
  9. Hello @Envymeister @Zoro666 The trade has been forced. Have a good one!
  10. @Afrahim @BllacKMasK I have forced the trade. Have a great day!
  11. Hello everyone, @Afrahim Please familiarize yourself with AUCTION RULES. You haven't taken into account the 15 minutes rule. @Afrahim @BllacKMasK The trade has been reversed. To offer everyone an opportunity to win, the auction will be extended to December 18th 8 AM GMT +0. C.O. stands at 31m by @BllacKMasK for the time being. @Afrahim The pokemon remains on my account in the meantime. Once the auction is over, I will force the outcome.
  12. Hello @Risinglight1912 Please make sure to read Auction Rules. An auction is not valid without an End Point. Feel free to create a new thread with making sure your auction has both a Start Price / Start Point and an End Point. Have a great day!
  13. Hello @Eetaachee @Faisal06361 The trade has been forced. Have a good one!
  14. Hello @Cazon511 I have removed the "25+" statement as none one of your pokemon meets the criteria to be classified as one. Have a great day!
  15. Hello @Hahalolhihi Please avoid overbumping your thread. Replying with "noted" is unnecessary and every single time you do is it counts as a bump. You can bump your thread a single time every 24 hours. Have a great day!
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