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Trade Moderator
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Everything posted by Incandescent

  1. Hello @Borger After creating a thread, please wait for at least 24 hours before bumping it. Also, you are allowed to bump a single time every 24 hours. Once an auction starts, you can no longer adjust the parameters. Your auction has started without an Insta Price and with an unclear Min Raise. I have removed both of them, your auction will continue with No Insta and No Min Raise. Please make sure to carefully read Auction Rules. Kind regards
  2. Hello @Yoo1992 Please be more careful about your End Point. This part included both your Start Point (May 28th 8.10 PM GMT +0) and End Point (May 30th 8.10 PM GMT +0) Was no longer necessary and even worse, it lead to 2 End Points. In the future, please only use one of these in order to avoid confusing bidders and potential punishments for mishandling your auction. Have a wonderful day!
  3. Hello @Tkl070701 @Misaka2024 The trade has been forced. Kind regards
  4. Greetings @Azap508 As requested, your thread has been locked. Kind regards
  5. Hello @Renaciente @Tyche0nline Since you had troubles meeting up in-game to complete the trade, I have forced it. Have a great day!
  6. Hello @Haihack2006 Please avoid posting off-topic messages. Only bids and questions related to the auction belong here. I have hidden your post. Kind regards
  7. Hello, @Pentix22 I have hidden unnecessary posts in order to make this thread more clear. @Regari12345 You currently hold the Best Offer with a 5m. You will need to wait until this auction ends to find out if you are the winner or not. Auction ends on May 29th at 1.20 PM GMT +0. Kind regards
  8. Hello @Sunny123xd I have locked your thread since your auction has no Starting Price, thus it is invalid. If you still want to auction the pokemon, feel free to create a new thread and make sure that both mandatory parameters (Starting Point / Starting Price and End Point) are present. Please refer to Auction Rules for more information about this topic. @86adrian86 Since the auction is invalid, your bid does not count. However, in the future when you place a bid on an auction from the opposite server you will need to transfer in case of winning (Unless it's a Cross-Server auction, in that case seller is responsible for transferring). Kind regards
  9. Hello @Siidon @Dkim0107 I have forced the trade. Have a great day!
  10. Greetings @Mamaboy @Zeh1 The trade has been forced. Kind regards
  11. Hello @Vatevuoktliek The pokemon has been traded to the rightful winner. Using GMT +0 Start: May 21st 10.10 AM Auction Time: 24 hours after starting point is met End: May 22nd 10.10 AM Winner: @Inahee007 with 1.2m @Vatevuoktliek Your 1.3m bid has been placed on May 22nd at 10.10 AM, invalid since it has been placed a few seconds after End Point. If an auction ends at 10:10, it means that bids that have been placed after 10:09:59 will not be accepted. I hope this clears up your misunderstanding. Have a great day!
  12. Greetings @Akiltosano123 You have been punished for mishandling your auction. I highly recommend you to familiarize yourself with Auction Rules. Repeating such mistakes will lead to harsher consequences in the future. @Manav861 Apologies for this inconvenience. I am not able to reverse the trade due to various reasons. Kind regards
  13. Hello @Vatevuoktliek @Albertmstrlugia The trade has been forced. Have a great day!
  14. Hello @Crazymad @Jkysan I have forced the trade. Kind regards
  15. Hello @Scrubdoodle @Anbanto2 The trade has been forced. Kind regards
  16. Hello @Akiltosano123 As requested, I have locked your thread. Have a great day!
  17. Greetings @Varun9696 You have been punished for a poorly handled auction as a result of not respecting the End Point. Using GMT +0 Start: May 11th 7.26 PM Auction Time: 30 hours after start bid End: May 13th 1.26 AM Winner: @Fubuof with 32k @Gangstersus's 33k bid has been placed on May 13th at 11.33 AM (INVALID) Thus, the trade has been reversed. Charmander has been sent to @Fubuof and @Varun9696 has received the 32k. @Varun9696 Please do not host auctions while your trade restriction is active. Kind regards
  18. Greetings @Shadowrunner I have locked the thread. @Lacomus Thanks for explaining to Shadowrunner what should be done in such situations. Kind regards
  19. Hello everyone Auctions ends on May 15th 10.21 PM GMT +0. @Drewaster Please do not forget about the 15 minutes rule. In case you will not be sure who is the winner, feel free to use Report Button and a Trade Moderator will assist you. Kind regards
  20. Greetings @Madcarthos @Nubfreak The trade has been forced. Kind regards
  21. @Immimo I do not understand why you insist to mishandle your auction. I am here to help you avoid doing it. If you don't agree with the rules, feel free to create a thread in General Complaint Area . Off-topic posts have been hidden.
  22. Greetings @Phoenixflame123 Several Trade and Auction Rules have been broken. You have been punished for trying to manipulate this auction's outcome using your alternative account. Using offers outside of auction as Best Offer is not allowed. Additionally, in case you want to use someone's offer as Starting Point, their permission is required. As such information has not been provided, the Start Point is invalid. I highly recommend you to carefully read both Auction Rules and Trade Rules. This auction will be voided. You are free to create a new one once your trade restriction is over and you decide to respect the rules. Kind regards
  23. Hello @Yavu25elim @S1lv4ch1 I have forced the trade. Have a great day!
  24. Hello @Immimo Since there was no evidence of the bid from Prohunter10, auction's start will remain @Araragikun's 400k bid. I have edited your post to fix the Start Point and End Point accordingly. GMT +0 was used, but if you desire you can change it back to Spain Time. @Araragikun In the future, when you plan to make the payment from a different account, please always make sure to specify it while placing the bid. Have a great day!
  25. Greetings @Noistoo You have been punished for mishandling your auction as a result of breaking the 15 minutes rule. @Victor100's 12.5m bid has extended the End Point to May 12th 3.16 PM GMT +0 @Gianni345's 12.75m has been placed on May 12th 3.16 PM GMT +0 => INVALID Please make sure to read Auction Rules. In case it happens again, consequences will be harsher. Kind regards
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