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About Kete2005

  • Birthday 11/30/2005

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    a student in the last grade of high school will move to college this year
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  1. so i caught reshiram recently and got its xmas form but i want to fuse it with kyurem and i don't have kyurem xmas form so on fusing kyurem and reshiram together will i have xmas form? or i can convert it into later? and if the xmas event ends then can i get back the xmas form for my reshiram back?
  2. it's hard to share screenshot so please try it for yourself
  3. Hello there! I would like to have you attention on the bug of pp ups in the game. So the thing is i give pp up to a pokemon's (let the pokemon be x) move it is fine up to now but when i give the pp up to another pokemon's move after it (let the pokemon be y) then the x moveset appears itself and when i cancel the pop up and again give pp up for y's move then after one or two pp ups x moveset appears again. So this is happening to my game hope u reply to this thing at earliest ^-^
  4. Thanks I understood but I hope ho-oh will be catchable someday
  5. How I am able to get caught data on ho-oh? isn't it uncatchable? is this some kind of bug?
  6. What is your IGN? kete2005 What is your discord? username - awi2005 id- 1176937950202830988 Tell us a little about yourself. I will move to a college next year I love to study science but hate chemistry, My hobby is to play video games as they made my childhood How many hours do you currently have? 249 hr Do you know any existing members? if you are talking about someone from this guild then I only know them when I visit forums Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? no What are your expectations for this guild? Well as what I read from desc of this guild it seems they are dedicated to pvp so i guess i will learn something more of it from here? What You are looking for from the guild? I just want to play, talk and make friends so guild is best What other games do you play online? I kind of played minecraft online, and coc but now my pc condtn went worse than before What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? my fav. pokemon is gardevoir and darkrai bcuz of their looks but my fav. type of pokemon is dragon i want to catch all of dragon pokemons in this game In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. i really thought that being in guild would be fun i saw many players in guild so i kinda thought it is time to understand this aspect of game now im actually interested in pvp i always do randoms with my brother and play normal mode but i always get clapped with their best pokemons so if i have to chose archetype then i'd go for balance (well idk what you have written there maybe im noob) in pvp i saw that blissey is goddess when it comes to pvp matches hoping for your reply at earliest^-^
  7. Hello there! I am kete2005 I have beat up to sinnoh E4 now I am thinking to join some guild It had not been many months since I came to this game so I always wanted to have support and to play with many friends and to know each other, Hope someone will actually invite me to his/her guild. If you feel to know other details please reply to this message.
  8. - In Game Name (IGN) -->kete2005 - How old are you? -->18 - What do you enjoy doing in PRO? (hunt, pvp,etc) -->catch all dragon type pokemons - Favorite Pokemon. -->Salamence and Darkrai - Discord tag -->username - awi2005///// display name - kete2005///// id - 1176937950202830988
  9. i recently caught a swirlix which has ability of sweet veil which prevents her and her ally from sleeping, but there were many times that my pokemon fell asleep but why ? how does this ability actually work for an ally pokemon?
  10. thanks but why it didn't applied to kanto? does it mean all the pokemon from murky town is considered as kanto pokemons?
  11. as you all know we are having halloween event and so i catched so many pokemons there i took them in my kanto journeys and i did same for johto but when i enter back to johto (Olivine city) they say that my pokemon is region locked i mean they should have done same in kanto is not there any way to unlock region locked pokemons? please help
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