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About Gouwldrouwger

  • Birthday September 28

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Gouwldrouwger's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. thank you for requesting to join, if you look under about us there is a link to join the guild discord server also i can only add you if you are online in game to the guild
  2. thank you for joining the server and welcome to the guild and i did invite you last night to the guild
  3. noted i will add you to the guild when i am online later today currently at work thank you for applying
  4. @Alen20at this time we don't require everyone to do pvp its optional only those who has selected the pvp role in the guild server do pvp in game and we I @Gouwldrouwger Am and My Co-Leader @Shr have not discussed rewards given to pvpers as of yet we have only discussed small matters for the guild at every end of the season i cant go into detail but it has to do with the activity of our members and how often they are online in game or not We are currently (97) members total however only a select few have chosen the pvp role option in the guild server at the end of the season we might have new openings for potential pvpers to join the guild
  5. @Anay3239 I Need 2 pokemon Ev trained i can wait until 12th march no problem it will be 2 psyduck's want them trained Def 252 and Hp 252 and then Spd 6 for them both will be using them later on for my Guild to be lent for Bosses
  6. hi i have just completed the valentines event quest i did the nido quest then the frillish quest then i did james's quest and james told me if i complete the main vday quest my reward would be greater so i did the dragons neck quest last and got the mega stone but i retuened back to james he said i obtain my iv-locked-reroll i should go to the duck in the mansion which i did and i have not received the reroll from the duck in the mansion so i have only received the mega stone from the mayor when i completed that but i have not received the locked iv-reroll i dont have the screenshot of the second interaction with Jamesi only have this one because i went back now to him to see what he says now
  7. Hi there thank you for applying i will invite you to the guild soon keep your eye out for a guild invite namely "Roger Pirates"
  8. Hi there thank you for applying i will invite you to the guild soon keep your eye out for a guild invite namely "Roger Pirates"
  9. hi there this guild has merged itself with my guild https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/230359-roger-pirates-exclusive-to-gold-server-recruitment/ Flame Empire is currently an inactive guild
  10. January 20 tortchic stage 1 round 2 poke skunky switch out with Frillish after 5 growls and its over after that
  11. this would not be an imposable task to implement would it
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